Biblical Hebrew 2: Exegesis Using Tools – Onsite Day Course

#Biblical Hebrew 2: Exegesis Using Tools (OT502, 3 Credits, Onsite)
13 January – 12 May 2023, Fridays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm

Learn principles and skills involved in exegetical work, and how to apply Hebrew study tools to narrative literature, particularly in the book of Ruth.  These principles and methods of exegesis will also be applied to selected passages from other genres in the Old Testament.
Prerequisite: OT501 Biblical Hebrew 1 Elementary Hebrew.

 [Course limited to program students and visiting credit students only. This class is not part of the 30 ON 30 promotion.]

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30 ON 30 Special Promotion

30 ON 30 – Being Transformed in Your Heart, Head, and Hands

30 ON 30 is a special promotion for EAST regular courses as part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations! Each regular course will only cost $30 taken for audit and enrolled from July 2022 to June 2023. Savings of up to $220 or 88% off per course!

Do join our classes–a holistic transformative experience for many who came. Audit students may be asked to complete some assignments and/or in-class projects to maximise their learning experience.

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Honor, Shame, Guilt, and Sin – Online Day Course

Honor, Shame, Guilt, and Sin (IS523, 3 Credits, Online)
12 January – 12 May 2023, Thursdays, 1.30 pm-4.30 pm

This course helps students understand the complexities of human, cultural and psychological realities related to honour, shame, guilt and sin, with the goal of integrating cultural and psychological understandings with biblical understanding and theology. These help with the communication of the gospel in a manner that is intelligible, subjectively relevant and meaningful to people of specific cultures.  Students will also look at honour, shame, guilt and sin from multiple theoretical perspectives and how they as a psycho-social-cultural construct affect human functioning.

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Christian Marriage & Family in Asia – Concurrent Day Course

Christian Marriage & Family in Asia (LF560, 3 Credits, Concurrent)
12 January – 12 May 2023, Thursdays, 1.30 pm-4.30 pm

This course provides major biblical foundations and precepts relating to Christian marriage and family life.  Drawing from extensive research on healthy marriages and families, the course also explores a survey of existing major research findings of cultural values and contemporary challenges in marriage and family among representative Asian cultural groups to promote biblically healthy (the Trinitarian Model) marriages and families.

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Church, Society, & Ethical Issues in Asia – Onsite Day Course

Church, Society, & Ethical Issues in Asia (IS560, 3 Credits, Onsite)
12 January – 12 May 2023, Thursdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm 

The Asian context raises a wide range of challenging issues for individuals and the Church.  In this context, theologically grounded and philosophically informed responses are needed in order for the Christian faith community to not only “do the right thing” but also to be a witness in the wider community.  This course will provide a survey of approaches toward understanding these ethical dilemmas, how to facilitate thoughtful discussions on these issues, and how the Christian community can be more influential as salt and light in the world.

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