Prayer Pointers 11 May 2023
When there is civil conflict in your home town, where can you find peace?
“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7 – ESV
Who is able to help and comfort you?
Biblical Foundations 1 – Concurrent Onsite & Online Day Course
Biblical Foundations 1 (BS412, 3 Credits, Concurrent Onsite & Online)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Tuesdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm
An overview of the books in the Old Testament. Attention will be given to the historical, grammatical and literal interpretation of each Old Testament book as well as the importance and unique contribution of each book in the entire revelation of God.
Registration deadline is Friday, 7 July 2023.
1-2-3 Launch Out with EAST!
1 – Dive into EAST equipping classes for your holistic personal growth and ministry effectiveness.
2 – EAST courses is designed to transform and launch you out to be gospel practitioners.
3 – Enrol in any of the following classes as audit student now!
“The journey at EAST has given me head, heart, hands–and may I add, new habits–to carry me back to the mission field.” – An EAST alumna
Be part of EAST learning community as we seek to “develop servant leaders for the Great Commission in Asia and beyond.”
Shepherd Care – Online Evening Course
Shepherd Care (LF553, 3 Credits, Online)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Mondays, 7.00 pm-9.15 pm
This course seeks to facilitate inner growth of students to become holistically (spirit and soul) healthy shepherds. This is done by first revitalizing the spirit for long and effective service; second uncluttering the soul of inhibited relationship towards self, others and God; and third validating oneself to mitigate these issues of spirit and soul.
Organisational Leadership – Onsite May-June 2023 Intensive Course
Organisational Leadership (LF516, 3 Credits, Onsite)
24 May – 1 June (from Wednesday through the following Thursday, excluding Saturday and Sunday)
9.00 am-5.00 pm
A study of organizational behavior, development, and leadership, especially in faith-based organizations. Students will interact with both biblical principles and best practices in the areas of organizational design, continued development and organizational health, team building, collaborative leadership, leadership development and succession strategies.