Prayer Pointers 25 May 2023


Graduates, are you ready and courageous enough to be sent to your next location?

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” – Deuteronomy 31:8 -ESV

Be empowered; be aware that the divine presence of God is with you. Read more

Expository Preaching 1 – Onsite Day Course

Expository Preaching 1 (LF555, 2 Credits, Onsite)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.00 am

This course is designed to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills for effective expository preaching.  Attention to key elements of sermon preparation, audience analysis and communication are provided in the course.  Students are expected to preach a sermon bringing all the elements of sermon preparation and effective communication principles into practice.  Prerequisites: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics, OT510 Old Testament Narratives, and/or concurrent with NT510 New Testament Narratives.

Course is limited to program students and visiting credit students.

Registration deadline is Friday, 7 July 2023.

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29th Commencement Magazine 2023

East Asia School of Theology celebrated the achievements of the latest cohort of graduates at the EAST 29th Commencement Service on 20 May 2023.

View the commencement magazine below as a flipbook and be blessed by the stories of the graduates. Use the full screen view for maximum viewing experience.

To download the original PDF (16 MB), click here. Or you can download the reduced-size PDF (2 MB) here. Enjoy!



You may also view the above on the flipbook creation website.

Writer/Editor: Lau Ying Kheng, Chan Chong Hiok. Designer: Josie Quak.


#EASTLifestyle #EASTgraduation #EASTcommencement #EASTalumni

Biblical Greek 1: Elementary Greek – Onsite Day Course

Biblical Greek 1: Elementary Greek (NT501, 3 Credits, Onsite)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Tuesdays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm

A study of the syntax and semantics of New Testament Greek using tools.  This course introduces both the Greek language and the basic skills of Greek exegesis.  Students will learn the essentials about morphology, grammar, and syntax of biblical Greek including vocabulary, and the use of Bible software and tools that utilise Greek.  They will apply their developing knowledge of Greek to the study of New Testament passages.  Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.

Course is limited to program students and visiting credit students.

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Partners in Ministry Graduation 2023


God is raising labourers. As we celebrated the graduation of many women in the Partners In Ministry (PIM) program, we are truly recounting and rejoicing in the mighty work of our Lord sending out His spiritual multipliers into the harvest field throughout Asia. What a joy to hear the same refrain over the many testimonies given – “God is equipping me to better serve alongside my husband, and build up other women!” What a privilege to see God sending them out to different pockets of Asia where solid biblical teaching might be lacking! What an encouragement to know that their hearts are burning to use what they have learned in PIM program to further equip more spiritual multipliers!

These ladies whom God brought into the PIM program love the Lord and are passionate to make Him known. Many are already actively leading groups and shepherding younger women locally. We are so grateful that God uses EAST to help them gain a strong conviction to serve visionally alongside their husbands in full time ministry, and to train them with tools which will benefit them as ministers of the gospel.

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