Prayer Pointers 1 June 2023


How certain are you, that you are living a life of purpose?

These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:10 -ESV.

How can you take hold of the life of God within and start living as God has intended for you? Read more

Launching out – Jacob & Josephine Li

Photo credit: Deborah Quek


Jacob and Josephine (Josie) Li arrived in Singapore from Vancouver in 2015 to join EAST as Faculty members. Together with their young children in tow, Josiah and Jesse (5 and 1 year old respectively), they began their lives in sunny Singapore. Both of them graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary, Jacob with his Master of Theology (ThM) and Josephine with her Master of Arts in Biblical Studies (MABS). Prior to entering seminary, Jacob was involved in real estate development while Josie was into interior design. Due to their desire to honour and serve their aging parents, they have decided to return to Vancouver to be with them at the end of June 2023 after serving in EAST for the past 8 years. While being back in Vancouver, they will still be very much involved in the ministries they are in since EAST. As well, for Jacob, he will continue to serve on the leadership team of Asia Theological Association while Josephine will run her Sisters in Ministry (SIM) Toolbox that offers online workshops for sisters from different nations.

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Building Spiritual Movements – Concurrent Onsite & Online Day Course

Building Spiritual Movements (IS501, 3 Credits, Concurrent)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Fridays, 9.00 am-12.00 pm

This course provides the “big picture” of building disciples in a movement context.  Students learn the biblical basis of spiritual movements and analyze a few historical and current examples.  This course is intended to motivate and equip students to be more effective in their personal ministry of evangelism and discipleship and trust God to build communities of Spirit-filled multipliers wherever He calls them to minister.  Prerequisite: IS400 Evangelism & Follow-Up Seminar.

Registration deadline is Friday, 7 July 2023.


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New Testament Narratives – Onsite Day Course

New Testament Narratives (NT510, 3 Credits, Onsite)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Thursdays, 1.30 pm-4.30 pm

An expositional study of the Gospels and Acts.  Attention will be given to the historical and cultural contexts of these narratives as well as biblical themes and theology.  Emphasis will be given to Christ’s teaching and ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit in building the Church. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.

Registration deadline is Friday, 7 July 2023.

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Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics – Concurrent Onsite & Online Day Course

Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics (BS510, 3 Credits, Concurrent)
17 July to 17 November 2023, Thursdays, 1.30 pm-4.30 pm

A skills-oriented course covering two parts.  In Part (1) Bible Study Methods, students will learn and practice the principles, methods and procedures of inductive Bible study involving the steps of observation, interpretation and correlation (hermeneutics), and application.  In Part (2) Hermeneutics, students will be introduced to important hermeneutical features and guidelines in interpreting the different Bible genres.  The practice of principles and skills will be applied in the study of several Bible passages, as well as selected Bible books.  Prerequisite: LF500 Research & Writing for Christian Leadership.

Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions and to maximise their learning experience.

Registration deadline is Friday, 7 July 2023.

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