Faculty Josephine Lew: Living A Spirit-filled Life


How can the Pentecost that happened more than 2,000 years ago revolutionise our Christian living even today?

Ms Josephine Lew, an EAST Resident Faculty and Director of Mentoring Group, wrote of the origins of Pentecost and how the presence and power of the Holy Spirit may be made manifest today. Pentecost is usually celebrated 50 days after the Jewish Passover, typically in May. From the book of Acts, it recorded the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon the early believers at the very first Pentecost. This resulted in the followers of Christ being transformed through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

From that very first Pentecost, believers are mandated to live in the power of the Holy Spirit by faith as an act of the will to fulfill God-given purposes for their lives.

How then does one live a Holy Spirit empowered life?

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Prayer Pointers 7 September 2023


How may you reap bountifully in the Lord?

“And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace”. James 3:18 – ESV.

Go and sow the seeds of love, to bear fruit of peace, humility and righteousness to glorify Him! Read more

重回真我(线上)| Becoming What God Intended – PIM Online Course (Chinese)

重回真我:成为合神心意(线上)| Becoming What God Intended (Online)
LF300, 2学分 | LF300, 2 Credits
星期一 9月25日至11月6日 晚上 7-9.30 | Mondays, 25 Sep – 6 Nov, 7.00-9.30 pm 


报名截止日期:2023 年 9 月 20 日,星期三


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The Transformers: A Tribute to Teachers



Life is More Than Just Assignment

“A little past midnight last night, I was contemplating whether to work on Dr Ying Kheng’s assignment that was due today or go to sleep. Suddenly, I remembered what Dr Ying Kheng said awhile back: ‘Life is more than just assignments.’ With that reminder, I went to bed to get some rest, tired from working on assignments.” Elijah, one of my classmates, shared this story in our student lounge during our afternoon class break. We all had a good chuckle.

Through Elijah’s story and Dr Ying Kheng’s wisdom, I was reminded that life is more than just assignments. As seminary students, we can easily lose ourselves to assignments and tasks while negating the more important things: our relationship with God and others.

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Prayer Pointers 31 August 2023


Have you inadvertently loose the joy of your salvation?

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me”. Psalm 51:10 – ESV.

The good news is, you may come to the Lord as you are in brokenness and humility Read more

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