Prayer Pointers 27 October 2023


Are you at a cross road, looking for direction?

“Apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of knowledge”. Proverb 23:12 -ESV.

How may you prevent overloading of conflicting ideas?  

Praise God:

– That God is omnipresent and we can receive His revelation and instruction in the bible and apply them to our lives.

– That when our ears and our hearts are tuned to receive and apply God’s wisdom, we are blessed and sin is avoided.

Pray for:

– God to help us to humbly receive wisdom and guidance from the wise and that whatever service we do is out of love and devotion to God.

–  EAST community to have the right attitude and the right motives for all that we do, so that we can bring glory to God.

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Alumnus Zoloo Damba – Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ’s new National Director

Left to Right: Bataa Juvaa (former MCCC National Director), Muugii Namgildorj (wife of Zoloo), Zoloo Damba (Current MCCC National Director)


On 9 October 2023, Zoloo Damba (EAST Alumnus, Master of Arts in Leadership, 2020) was installed as the 2nd Mongolian National Director of Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ (MCCC). It was a significant milestone for Zoloo and MCCC as there is a transition of leadership from the first Mongolian National Director Bataa Juvaa (EAST Alumnus, Master of Divinity, 2011) to another Mongolian, both EAST alumni.

EAST news managed to get Bataa Juvaa to share some thoughts regarding both Zoloo’s and his own time of equipping at EAST.

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Prayer Pointers 19 October 2023


Do you doubt your ability to accomplish your undertakings?

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ”. Philippians 1:6 -ESV.

How about trusting God to intercede in your current situations?

Praise God:

– That He called us His own and deposited His Spirit in us when we first accepted Him as our Saviour.

– That His Grace and peace are freely given to us by our Father, the fountain and origin of all blessings to do His will in His strength.

Pray for:

– God’s empowerment for EAST students; assurance that Holy Spirit who resides in them will help them accomplish their assignments.

–  EAST community to recognise and rest on God’s will and goodness to run the race to the end, not relying on our own strength.

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#EASTCommunity #PrayerRequests #God’sGrace

Graduate’s Story – Kang Hye-Won, Grad Dip ICS 2023


“The journey toward self-discovery is life’s greatest adventure” (Arianna Huffington, author, columnist and businesswoman).

Upon graduating from university in Korea, Kang Hye-Won moved to Sydney, Australia, and worked in the city’s ubiquitous sandwich shops to support himself.

Purpose? To become someone God could use.

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Prayer Pointers – 12 October 2023


Are you troubled by global political unrest and climatic change?

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33 -ESV.

The good news is, Our Lord invites you to enjoy peace and rest in Him! Read more

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