Prayer Pointers 30 November 2023


How may you be blessed with a peaceful life?

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving”. Colossians 4:2 -ESV

Let us devote ourselves to prayer and stay vigilant. Read more

Transforming Leadership (Online) – Evening Course

Transforming Leadership (Online)
LF511, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm 

Seeks to equip leaders to commit to authentic personal transformation and the passion to serve the world around them for Jesus’ sake. This course examines the underlying theology, leadership theory, and skill set of a transforming leader in today’s world. Leadership is not a job nor a position. It is a passion and a calling. A transformational servant-leader seeks to bring about change in organizations and individuals.

Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.

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Theology of Persecution (Onsite) – Evening Course

Theology of Persecution (Onsite)
IS542, 3 Credits
Mondays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm 

Designed to give students a theological understanding of the reality for Christians in many parts of the world today of persecution. This course will cover biblical, systematic, and historic theological aspects of persecution, as well as the role of persecution in the mission of the church, different types of persecution, and ongoing persecution in specific contexts throughout Asia. Students will be expected to present research on how persecution impacts the church and its mission in a ministry context of interest to them.

Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.

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Alex Tang’s Advent Reflections – Blessed Hope

Dr Alex Tang, an adjunct faculty of EAST,  is a man who wears many hats as a Senior Consultant Paediatrician at Johor Specialist Hospital, Associate Professor of Monash University School of Medicine in Malaysia, a member of many professional bodies, Chairman of the Johor Branch of the Malaysian Paediatric Association, founder of Spiritual Formation Institute at Holy Light Church in Johor Bahru and an elder at that church. He has recently penned an Advent Reflection for the upcoming Advent Season below.

Advent is my favourite season of the year. As the year draws to a close with numerous moments of drama, joy, and pain, I look forward to December, my designated Sabbath month: time for reflection, contemplation, and prayers. This is also the season of Advent, which always reminds me of hope. The first advent culminated in the birth of God incarnate to a young girl, and hope became flesh.

Advent, originating from ‘adventus,’ the Latin term for ‘coming,’ is a multifaceted season in the Christian calendar that transcends the mere anticipation of Christmas. It is a sacred period of spiritual introspection, a time for us to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the historical birth of Jesus Christ and contemplate His promised return. This dual nature of Advent imbues it with a depth and richness that is both reflective and forward-looking.

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Prayer Pointers 16 November 2023


Are you worried and anxious about many things?

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you Matthew 6:33-ESV

You can trust God and His provision!

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