New Testament Epistles & Revelation (Onsite) – Day Course
New Testament Epistles & Revelation (Onsite)
NT511, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
A study of each New Testament epistle (Romans through Jude) and the book of Revelation in light of their political, cultural, historical, and literary contexts. Bible study skills learnt in the prerequisite course will be applied to selected passages. Passages that are considered challenging exegetically will also be discussed. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.
Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.
Church, Society & Ethical Issues in Asia (Onsite) – Day Course
Church, Society & Ethical Issues in Asia (Onsite)
IS560, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
The Asian context raises a wide range of challenging issues for individuals and the Church. In this context, theologically grounded and philosophically informed responses are needed in order for the Christian faith community to not only “do the right thing” but also to be a witness in the wider community. This course will provide a survey of approaches to resolving these ethical dilemmas, facilitate thoughtful discussions regarding them, and give suggestions for the Christian community to be more influentially salt and light in the world.
Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.
Welcoming New Student: Dom Chen
Our new student for the second semester, Mr Dom Chen (pseudonym) has arrived in Singapore during the Advent Season. He had wanted to study at EAST back in 2019 but at that time, Covid-19 happened and the world was in a panic mode globally. We at EAST are as heartened as he is that he has finally made his way to Singapore and EAST after the pandemic has more or less settled down. Below is a short interview with Dom regarding how he came to know about EAST and his experience thus far. Do pray for him and his family who will soon be joining him that their years of equipping at EAST will be impactful for their lives, leading them to greater transformation in their Head, Heart, Hands by the power of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God.
1) How did you know about EAST?
First of all, Nelson Lo, currently an EAST Resident Faculty, had been my mentor for two years during my college years. We have been keeping in touch for many years, even upon graduation. I knew about EAST from him. Then, Ronald Tang (pseudonym), an EAST alumnus was our pastor. He graduated from EAST and also recommended the seminary. Finally, my wife had been a full-time staff in Cru for seven years and we have friends who studied in EAST.
Old Testament Narratives (Onsite) – Day Course
Old Testament Narratives (Onsite)
OT510, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Expositional study of the Pentateuch and the Historical books of the Old Testament (Genesis through Esther) giving attention to the covenant motif and theological themes. Emphasis will also be given to interpretation of narrative genre with attention to various elements such as literary, historical, political, and cultural context as well as relationship to the New Testament. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.
Registration deadline: Friday, 29 December 2023.
Prayer Pointers 14 December 2023
How willing are you to allow God to do His will in your life?
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word”. Luke 1:38 -ESV
Are you walking with God or planning your path according to the perspectives of the world? Read more