Overflowing Blessings from above

Design by Blessed Ong


You crown the year with Your goodness;
Your ways overflow with plenty.
~ Psalm 65:11, HCSB

May you and your loved ones experience God’s abiding presence and abundant grace in the Lunar New Year!

The Chinese couplet


expresses the following:

May you experience abundant grace in the New Year;
May your cup of blessings overflow.

Shalom blessings from all at EAST!

New Student: Sebastian Tramitz from Germany

L-R: Dr Joseph Khoo, Mrs Boon Aitee, Issac Do, Sebastian Tramitz


Below is a short reflection of our new student Sebastian Tramitz from Germany. He is embarking on a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry at EAST while relocating to Singapore and embracing a new culture, or many new cultures at EAST and equipping himself here. His short reflection of his journey to EAST is below.

I know about EAST through various people I met on my journey of finding my path to change location to Singapore. One key person was a board member of EAST whom I met at the church I attended. He got me in touch with Cru Singapore through another person on the board of Cru. He then connected me with a Cru ministry leader and alumnus of EAST, which finally led to the meeting of Jonathan Yao and a site visit on which I made a decision that I want to apply.

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Prayer Pointers 1 February 2024


How do we fulfil our hopes and aspirations?

“For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God.” Psalms 86:10 – ESV

Faithfully appeal to the Lord, for His divine power makes all things possible Read more

Why go for Theological Studies? Why consider EAST?



When considering formal theological education, a couple of important questions need to be answered.  First, should I even go in the first place?  If so, then the next question becomes, where should I go?

Regarding the first concern, it should be asked, are there other and better ways to be trained and developed or is getting a formal degree the best course to take?  It is also good to ask, what is my motivation?  Do I want this degree for the status and respect it will afford, or do I see it as a genuine opportunity for growth and development that will open new doors of Christian service and a deeper level of love for and knowledge of God?

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Prayer Pointers 25 January 2024


How can you lay hold of peace and of good and pleasant things in life?

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity”.  Psalms 133:1 – ESV

Avoid strife, let God’s love and grace flow in and through you, that you may
live with others in unity, worshipping God together. Read more

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