EAST Podcast: Creation Part 1 – Young Earth View


The Bible repeatedly holds up a few key events as evidence of the divine power and sovereignty of God. One of these events is the creation of the world (Isaiah 40:26, Psalm 33:6-9, Romans 1:20).

Throughout history, Christians have strongly affirmed that God created the world by his command, out of nothing. And indeed, affirming that God is the one who created all things is a core tenet of the Christian faith.

Recently though, debates have emerged over exactly how God created the world. Beginning with Darwin’s theory of evolution and continuing with modern scientific assertions that the earth is around 4.54 billion years old, Christians have been confronted with a continuous attempt by the scientific community to explain the origin and nature of the world on purely naturalistic terms, without any reference to God.

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Lenten Devotional by Dr Alvin Tey


What Is Lent?

The season of Lent is the period of 40 days before Easter. The word Lent is derived from the Old English word “lencten’ meaning springtime or spring, and also from the West Germanic word “langitinaz” meaning long-days or the lengthening of the day[1]. As suggested by its root words, the season of Lent not only coincides with the season of spring in the northern hemisphere, but it also signifies a period of spiritual renewal after death or after long days in the spiritual wilderness.

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Seminar on Creation: 6 Days or 6 Ages?

Presenting and critiquing the views on Young Earth and Old Earth.
How does one’s view of creation affect the faith formation of Christians?

Theologians and scientists will present biblical-theological and scientific arguments for both views. Respondents to each view will also present their critique of the presentations. There will be a question-and-answer period for the audience to participate in this dialogue about creation.

Date & Time: 13 April 2024, Saturday, 10.00 AM – 12.15 PM
Venue: East Asia School of Theology, 118 Joo Chiat Road, #03-01, Singapore 427407
This is a free onsite seminar, freewill offering is welcomed.

Registration has closed.

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Alumnus Tak: Light & Hope Amidst Disaster

Below is the current newsletter from EAST alumnus Tak Funatogawa who has been serving in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, for the past decade. Read about how God’s light and hope still shine in Japan amidst all the recent challenges – do keep him, his family, and ministry in your prayers.

Dear family and friends,

Blessed Lunar New Year to all our friends celebrating the Chinese New Year! Furthermore, Blessed New Year to all our other friends too. We are always grateful and appreciate deeply your continued support and prayers for us.

“Magnitude 7.5 struck the Noto Peninsula of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan causing a Tsunami 6.58m high along the Sea of Japan coast.”

“A runway collision occurred at Haneda Airport in Tokyo.” Read more

Prayer Pointers 15 February 2024


How can you help those who feel lost, isolated and defeated?

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” John 10:11 – ESV

You could help them by sharing Christ’s love, to repair and refresh their spirit. Read more

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