Building Spiritual Movements (Onsite) – Day Course
Building Spiritual Movements (Onsite)
IS501, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
This course provides the “big picture” of building disciples in a movement context. Students learn the biblical basis of spiritual movements and analyse a number of historical and current examples. This course is intended to motivate and equip students to be more effective in their personal ministry of evangelism and discipleship and trust God to build communities of Spirit-filled multipliers wherever He calls them to minister. Prerequisite: IS400 Evangelism & Follow-Up Seminar.
Liong Kwok Wai, PhD Studies, has been serving as a staff member of Cru Singapore since 1999. He has ministered among campus students, church planters and community leaders in Singapore and East Asia. He was also involved in training full-time Christian workers and leadership development.
Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.
A Life of Prayer: A Biblical Portrait & Spiritual Practices (Onsite) – Day Course
A Life of Prayer: A Biblical Portrait & Spiritual Practices (Onsite)
LF506, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
The course seeks to equip students with biblical understanding and spiritual practices for cultivating a life of prayer. Students will examine models and teachings on prayer in Scripture so as to grow in deeper appreciation and awe of God and learn the role of prayer for the completion of His work and fulfilment of His will on earth. They will also study both theoretical and practical dimensions of prayer and explore different spiritual practices related to prayer, enabling them to grow in intimacy with God, awareness of self, and formative ministry to others through prayer.
Benson Goh, PhD, has been a Cru Singapore staff since 1996. He has served in the campus ministry and was the director of the Great Commission Training Center. He has also served as the operations director in EAST. He is married to Josephine, and they have three children: Samuel, who went home to the Lord in 2002, and Joylynn and Benedict.
Josephine Lew, EdD Studies, has been on staff with Cru Singapore since 1995. For thirteen years, she served on a Campus Leadership Team and Great Commission Training Center before she joined EAST to serve with Partners in Ministry (2008-2011). As a certified MBTI coach and faculty, she enjoys helping EAST students grow in self-awareness and in their personal development. She is married to Benson, and they have three children.
Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.
Theology 1: God, Bible, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Onsite) – Day Course
Theology 1: God, Bible, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Onsite)
TS510, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Examines basic theological method, the doctrine of God, His existence and nature, as well as the doctrines surrounding the nature, authority and reliability of His revelation, including the inspiration, collection and transmission of the Bible. The course also examines the doctrine of Jesus Christ including His identity, nature, and work on behalf of humanity, as well as the Holy Spirit’s nature, activities, and significance. Prerequisites: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics, TS560 Worldview & Biblical Decision Making or IS520 Contextualisation.
Matthew Winslow, PhD Studies, joined Cru in 2002 and has served in Eastern Asia, Singapore and the U.S. He has taught church history and theology classes in Singapore, America, East Asia and the South Pacific. He loves talking with others about history and theology and telling stories of how God has been at work throughout history. Matthew is married to Sze Chieh, and they have three children and a dog.
Derek Atkins, PhD Studies, is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), and taught English to undergraduate students in East Asia for many years. He comes to EAST with a desire to prepare Christian workers for ministry throughout Asia and beyond.
Registration deadline: Friday, 5 July 2024.
Class of 2024 Graduates!
On 18 May 2024, EAST held her 30th Commencement at Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church with 12 graduates from the Class of 2024 and some 200 guests in attendance. These graduated with certificates in Partners-in-Ministry and degrees in Graduate Diploma, Master of Arts, and Master of Divinity. The graduates came from Cambodia, East Asia, India, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore and South Korea which reflect the diverse cultures that embodies EAST.
Brandon Chan who was the Student Council President for Academic Year 2021-2022 is the worthy recipient of President’s Leadership Award and Academic Excellence Award for taking many leadership initiatives to bless the EAST community and excelling in his studies. Mikeel Misme Arana, the Student Council President for Academic Year 2022-2023 was awarded the Christian Character Award for displaying outstanding Christlikeness in his life and ministry to the EAST community and beyond. Mikeel also represented the Class of 2024 to give the Graduate’s Reflection at the Commencement Service. Below is his speech.