Life’s Big Questions: Why is Life So Hard?

Why is Life So Hard? (Genesis 3:14-24)

The Christmas season is often a festive and busy time for most. Amidst the hustle and bustle, however, we may still be struggling with issues of life and wonder if there is lasting joy and hope. In this, the second of a series of messages on Life’s Big Questions, it seeks to address how the Bible speaks honestly about our struggles and also offers true hope and joy. This is why Christians can celebrate Christmas.

Hear from Elder Jonathan Tan, Grace Baptist Church (GBC) as he addressed the topic on the fundamental issue faced by humanity through the ages which resulted in life that is so hard on earth and yet there is a reason for hope. The big idea: We live in a fallen world but we are clothed in Christ’s righteousness and awaiting return to paradise.

The outline of his message is as follow.

Introduction: Life is not easy whether it is relationships, work (our career), sometimes waking up in the morning is not easy, or for some, falling asleep at night is not easy. So if life is so hard, why is it that way? And what hope do we have? Today’s big question is another key piece that everyone needs an answer to. We need it to understand the world and ourselves. Without it we are like astronauts back from space: disoriented and struggling to adjust, expecting the cup to float when we let go, only to have it fall instead.

A. We live in a fallen world (Gen 3:14-19)

  • Divine judgment is not an act of retaliation, but a righteous response to sin.
  • Evil is not an equal force to God, but is a corrupt creature under the authority of God’s sovereign judgment and rule.
  • Life is hard because we are born in sin and guilt. And we live life through the lens of the curse of pain in childbearing and marital conflict.

B. We are clothed in Christ’s righteousness (Gen 3:20-21)

  • There is hope yet in Adam as he responds to discipline with acceptance.

C. We await our return to Paradise (Gen 3:22-24)

  • We may now be working the ground and living in a fallen world. But this is not how things will be forever.

Application Questions:

  1. How has sin and death affected your life?
  2. Why should we celebrate and receive Jesus’ gift of righteousness and eternal life?
  3. How has Jesus’ gift of righteousness and eternal life transformed your life?

Watch the video or read the text for the actual message.

Would you like to know God personally? Find out about the gift of Jesus Christ which provides the true hope and lasting joy you can have in Him.

Others in the series of Life’s Big Questions:


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