2024/2025 Second semester courses
EQUIP 8 EAST Promotion
Be equipped with just $80
Enjoy the promotional rate of $80 for each EAST course taken for audit during July 2024 to May 2025. Usually up to $285 school fees for an audit course. Join a course or two to be equipped and transformed in your life and ministry.
Onsite, online, and concurrent courses offered at EAST this semester.
Almost all EAST courses include both synchronous and asynchronous portions. During the synchronous portion, the class meets at a specific time either online via Zoom or onsite at EAST.
- “Onsite” courses meet at EAST.
- “Online” courses will have synchronous sessions held only online.
- “Concurrent” courses are held onsite and online simultaneously. Singapore residents who are taking the course for credit can only take the course onsite. Audit students must choose either onsite or online for the duration of the course.
During the asynchronous portion of each course, enrolled learners do assigned work on their own by a specific date (e.g. online discussions, readings, watching videos, etc.).
Certain classes may require audit students to complete some assignments and/or in-class projects to maximise their learning experience.
SEMESTER COURSES (9 January – 9 May 2025)
Evening Courses – Online
- Integral Mission & Transformational Development (IS566, 3 credits)
- Transforming Leadership (LF511, 3 credits)
- Leading Multicultural Teams (IS565, 3 credits)
Day Courses – Onsite
- Christian Marriage & Family in Asia (LF560, 3 credits)
- Exposition of Matthew (NT530, 3 credits)
- Old Testament Narratives (OT510, 3 credits)
- Teaching & Learning 2 (LF531, 3 credits)
- World Missions (IS510, 2 credits)
- Biblical Counseling in Ministry (LF561, 3 credits)
- New Testament Epistles & Revelation (NT511, 3 credits)
- Spiritual Life & Transformation (TS532, 3 credits)
- Church, Society & Ethical Issues in Asia (IS560, 3 credits)
- Biblical Hebrew 2: Exegesis Using Tools (OT502, 3 credits)
- Church History 2 (TS501, 3 credits)
- Theological Foundations (TS410, 3 credits)
Day Courses – Concurrent Onsite & Online
- Theology 2 (TS511, 3 credits)
Day Courses, Online – Partners in Ministry
- Bible Study Methods (BS310, 2 credits) 13 January – 3 March – For Wives Only
- Spiritual Formation at Home(LF333, 2 credits) 10 March – 28 April – For Wives Only
Registration deadline: Tuesday, 31 December 2024
All day and evening courses listed are valid for the semester of 9 January – 9 May 2025. Registration deadline is Tuesday, 31 December 2024. Online registration of courses is available on www.EAST.edu.sg.
To facilitate an effective learning experience for all, student registrations are subject to class size limits. Registrants will be informed if such limits have been reached for their choice of class/es.
Please note the following dates in EAST’s academic calendar:
- Chinese New Year School Break: 27 – 31 January 2025
- Make-Up / Reading Week: 10 – 14 March 2025
- Make-Up / Reading Week: 28 April – 2 May 2025
- Exam Week: 5 – 9 May 2025
“Online” courses are conducted synchronously through Zoom. “Concurrent” courses have synchronous sessions conducted both online and onsite simultaneously. All timings shown are for synchronous sessions conducted either online or onsite. Course assignments will be done asynchronously by learners on their own.
Integral Mission & Transformational Development (Online)
IS566, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm
This course will examine the fundamentals of integral mission and transformational development, as well as the relationship between the two. The lessons and case studies from this course will help prepare students interested in serving cross-culturally among poor and marginalized least-reached communities.
Alvin Tey, PhD, serves as Resident Faculty (Intercultural Studies) in EAST. He concurrently serves with Operation Mobilisation (OM), where he is currently involved in the training, equipping and care of missionaries sent to serve across East Asia. He previously served in OM’s transformational development ministries among poor and marginalized least-reached peoples and communities in Southeast Asia. Alvin is married to Kalene and they have three children, Natalie, Charlotte and Josiah. In his free time, Alvin enjoys history and sports.
Transforming Leadership (Online)
LF511, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm
Seeks to equip leaders to commit to authentic personal transformation and the passion to serve the world around them for Jesus’ sake. This course examines the underlying theology, leadership theory, and skill set of a transforming leader in today’s world. Leadership is not a job nor a position. It is a passion and a calling. A transformational servant-leader seeks to bring about change in organizations and individuals.
Chan Chong Hiok, DD, has been a Cru Singapore staff since 1975 and has served in the Philippines and more than ten years as Country Director of Cru Singapore. For eighteen years, he served in East Asia as the National Campus Director and then as the Area Team Leader. He served as President of EAST since 2011. He has an MDiv and DD (Transformational Leadership) from the International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines).
Jonathan Yao, EdD Studies, has been on staff with Cru Singapore for 36 years. He has served with high school, university, evangelism and mission mobilisation, church-planting, theological and leadership development ministries in Singapore and East Asia. He is married to Eng Meng, and they have three young adult children.
Leading Multicultural Teams (Online)
IS565, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 7.00 pm – 9.15 pm
Explores various aspects of Christian leadership within the context of multicultural teams especially in a church or a Christian organisation setting. Students will begin to evaluate their own cultural biases and grow to adopt a posture of leadership that will enhance the strengths of their multi-cultural teams, thus moving towards synergy in fulfilling their God-ordained call and expanding the Kingdom of God.
Samuel Too, DMin, served with Cru Singapore for more than 29 years. He and his wife Agnes served in East Asia for ten years before Samuel returned as Missions Head of Cru Singapore. They joined EAST as resident faculty and staff in May 2020. They are blessed with three children. Samuel desires to impart both life and knowledge to his students.
Nelson Lo, EdD Studies, has served with Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ since 1991. In 2000, he moved to East Asia and served as a regional and national leader of ministries before moving to Singapore in 2011. Nelson is married to Sophie and they have two children, Hannah and Joshua.
Mark Suredhran, MDiv, has been on staff with Cru Singapore for 37 years. He has worked among campus students in Singapore, and international students at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He has led multi-cultural teams through the years and currently heads Crea, which is the creative arm of Cru Singapore. He is a certified Cultural Intelligence Coach.
“Online” courses are conducted synchronously through Zoom. “Concurrent” courses have synchronous sessions conducted both online and onsite (in-person) at the same time. All timings shown are for synchronous sessions conducted either online or onsite. Course assignments will be done asynchronously by learners on their own.
Christian Marriage & Family in Asia (Online)
LF560, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
This course provides the major biblical foundations and precepts relating to Christian marriage and family life. The course will also draw from an extensive wealth of research available promoting healthy marriages and families. It also explores a survey of the existing major research findings of cultural values and contemporary challenges in marriage and family among representative Asian cultural groups to promote biblically healthy (the Trinitarian Model) marriages and families.
Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions.
Justine Han, PhD, has counselled people in church and ministry situations in Korea, Japan, and USA. She served with Cru and has also been a Pastor of Women’s’ Ministry and Children’s’ Ministry for Korean-American churches. She has been a Course Tutor of Education and Pastoral Ministry in the Distance Education at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (USA). She is married to Raymond Song, and they have two adult children.
Theology 2 (Concurrent)
TS511, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
This course helps students grow in their own biblical convictions and understanding of the Christian faith through a systematic study of theology. The course will examine the doctrines of humanity, sin, salvation, the church, and the end times. Prerequisites: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics, TS560 Worldview & Biblical Decision Making or IS520 Contextualisation.
Lewis Winkler, PhD, joined Cru in 1987 and has taught in three seminaries in the USA and Asia. He enjoys interacting with students over basketball and casual discussion on how the Bible applies to life and issues today. Lewis is married to Barbara, and they have three adult children.
Jarred Jung, PhD, joined Cru in 2006 and ministers in Asian contexts. He has worked in campus ministry and most recently has lectured in developing seminaries. His passion is for teaching students how to apply theology to every square inch of their life through the lens of the Bible. He enjoys talking with students about theology, hosting people for dinners, and most of all living life with his wife Shelley and his three children.
Exposition of Matthew (Onsite)
NT530, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
An expositional study of the Gospel of Matthew. Attention will be given to the historical and cultural contexts of the gospel as well as biblical themes and theology. Emphasis will be given to Christ’s teaching and ministry.
Ng Khim Fatt, ThM, graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2019 and joined EAST as a resident faculty in 2023. He has taught subjects on New Testament studies with the EAST Extension Centres in India and East Asia and is passionate about equipping Christian workers in developing countries.
Old Testament Narratives (Onsite)
OT510, 3 Credits
Tuesdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Expositional study of the Pentateuch and the Historical books of the Old Testament (Genesis through Esther) giving attention to the covenant motif and theological themes. Emphasis will also be given to interpretation of narrative genre with attention to various elements such as literary, historical, political, and cultural context as well as relationship to the New Testament. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.
Amy Lau, ThM, graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (USA), and has taught Bible and Theological classes since 2002. She served on the pastoral team at St. John’s and St. Margaret’s Church before joining EAST as a resident faculty. Amy is a creative teacher who challenges her students to interact with God’s Word critically.
Toe Set, ThM, enjoys helping people understand the Old Testament. Over the years, he has taught various Old Testament books not only in Singapore but elsewhere in Asia to lay leaders, pastors, and full-time Christian workers.
Teaching & Learning 2 (Onsite)
LF531, 3 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am – 11.00 am
Encourages teachers, facilitators, and ministry trainers to integrate biblical perspectives and principles of teaching and learning as they seek to understand learners and communicate biblical truth in different contexts. The philosophy, process, and procedures of designing a formal or non-formal educational course are discussed and applied. Students develop one or more sessions and teach either in a formal or non-formal educational setting. Prerequisites: LF530 Teaching & Learning 1, OT510 Old Testament Narratives, and NT510 New Testament Narratives.
Course limited to program students and visiting credit students.
Koh Siang Kiang, DMin, has for almost five decades, taught “Cradle to Grave” ministries. She continues to be an affiliate faculty at Singapore Bible College after her retirement. Her active ministries include teaching Bible classes, mentoring and teaching in churches.
World Missions (Onsite)
IS510, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am – 11.00 am
Introduces the exciting biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic perspectives of Christian world missions. Special emphasis is given to the expansion of Christianity, missionary methods used by key people and lessons for today. How much of God’s global mission has been completed, how much is left to do, how it is being done, and what He wants to do through His people are key subjects addressed in this course. Students will learn how to be meaningfully involved in missions and to help lead a missional church.
Alvin Tey, PhD, serves as Resident Faculty (Intercultural Studies) in EAST. He concurrently serves with Operation Mobilisation (OM), where he is currently involved in the training, equipping and care of missionaries sent to serve across East Asia. He previously served in OM’s transformational development ministries among poor and marginalized least-reached peoples and communities in Southeast Asia. Alvin is married to Kalene and they have three children, Natalie, Charlotte and Josiah. In his free time, Alvin enjoys history and sports.
Matthew Winslow, PhD Studies, joined Cru in 2002 and has served in Eastern Asia, Singapore and the U.S. He has taught church history and theology classes in Singapore, America, East Asia and the South Pacific. He loves talking with others about history and theology and telling stories of how God has been at work throughout history. Matthew is married to Sze Chieh, and they have three children and a dog.
Biblical Counseling in Ministry (Onsite)
LF561, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Introduction to foundational principles and techniques of a ministry of care and counselling. The course includes a study of biblical, theological, and ethical aspects of counselling in ministry as well as common counselling concerns often encountered by ministry practitioners. And will also include practical application.
Auditors are expected to complete the asynchronous portions of each week’s lesson so that they can participate in class discussions.
Danny Goh, PhD, has been in the full-time vocational ministry for over 40 years. He served as pastor in a couple of churches and as an associate professor in two seminaries. He officially retired from full-time vocational ministry in Dec 2020 and is currently doing a freelance ministry of counseling and mentoring, teaching and training. After receiving his theological training (BTh.Hons and MABS), he furthered his education by specializing in marriage and family, obtaining both an MA and PhD from the School of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary, USA. He is married to Nancy for over 39 years, and they have two married daughters, and a grandson.
New Testament Epistles & Revelation (Onsite)
NT511, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
A study of each New Testament epistle (Romans through Jude) and the book of Revelation in light of their political, cultural, historical, and literary contexts. Bible study skills learnt in the prerequisite course will be applied to selected passages. Passages that are considered challenging exegetically will also be discussed. Prerequisite: BS510 Bible Study Methods & Hermeneutics.
Ng Khim Fatt, ThM, graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2019 and joined EAST as a resident faculty in 2023. He has taught subjects on New Testament studies with the EAST Extension Centres in India and East Asia and is passionate about equipping Christian workers in developing countries.
Spiritual Life & Transformation (Onsite)
TS532, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Examines God’s work to bring people into a life-changing relationship with Himself. It also explains our identity, position, and authority in Christ and gives biblical and practical instruction about living a holy life under the complete lordship of Jesus Christ. In addition, students will learn how to practice spiritual disciplines, resist temptation, demonic influence, and help people having spiritual conflicts find and maintain their freedom in Christ.
Raymundo Go, PhD, has been on staff with Philippines Campus Crusade for Christ since 1989 where he had served in both the Church Resource Ministry and the Chinese Ministry. In 1997, he and his wife Lutgarda joined the Faculty team of the International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines). He was the Senior Pastor at Philippines National Police Academy–Cadet Christian Fellowship for twelve years. He and Lutgarda, have two children: Sara and Nathan.
Josephine Goh, EdD studies, has been on staff with Cru Singapore since 1995. For thirteen years, she served on a Campus Leadership Team and Great Commission Training Center before she joined EAST to serve with Partners in Ministry (2008-2011). As a certified MBTI coach and faculty, she enjoys helping EAST students grow in self-awareness and in their personal development. She is married to Benson Goh, and they have three children.
Church, Society & Ethical Issues in Asia (Onsite)
IS560, 3 Credits
Thursdays, 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm
The Asian context raises a wide range of challenging issues for individuals and the Church. In this context, theologically grounded and philosophically informed responses are needed in order for the Christian faith community to not only “do the right thing” but also to be a witness in the wider community. This course will provide a survey of approaches to resolving these ethical dilemmas, facilitate thoughtful discussions regarding them, and give suggestions for the Christian community to be more influentially salt and light in the world.
Course is limited to program students and visiting credit students.
Lewis Winkler, PhD, joined Cru in 1987 and has taught in three seminaries in the USA and Asia. He enjoys interacting with students over basketball and casual discussion on how the Bible applies to life and issues today. Lewis is married to Barbara, and they have three adult children.
Derek Atkins, PhD Studies, is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), and taught English to undergraduate students in East Asia for many years. He comes to EAST with a desire to prepare Christian workers for ministry throughout Asia and beyond.
Biblical Hebrew 2: Exegesis Using Tools (Onsite)
OT502, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Learning the principles and skills involved in exegetical work and using Hebrew study tools to apply them to narrative literature, particularly in the book of Ruth. These exegetical principles and methods will also be applied to selected passages from other genres in the Old Testament. Prerequisite: OT501 Biblical Hebrew 1: Elementary Hebrew.
Course limited to program students and visiting credit students.
Mona Bias, PhD, has taught full time for 20 years at the International Graduate School of Leadership in the Philippines before joining the teaching faculty at EAST. Her completion of advanced degrees at Dallas Theological Seminary (Biblical Studies: Old Testament; Academic Ministry: Old Testament), and the International School of Theology-Asia (Expository Preaching and Teaching) greatly contributed to her teaching, mentoring, and writing ministries. Of the latter, she contributed articles in peer-reviewed journals, written essays to address particular issues in Asia, and co-authored a commentary on Job, a book of the Bible that addresses pain and suffering.
Church History 2 (Onsite)
TS501, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Helps students better appreciate and understand their own faith by studying some of the key movements and ideas from the history of the Christian Church. The course will follow the history of Christianity from the Reformation up to the modern day with a special emphasis on events and happenings in Asia.
Raymundo Go, PhD, has been on staff with Philippines Campus Crusade for Christ since 1989 where he had served in both the Church Resource Ministry and the Chinese Ministry. In 1997, he and his wife Lutgarda joined the Faculty team of the International Graduate School of Leadership (Philippines). He was the Senior Pastor at Philippines National Police Academy–Cadet Christian Fellowship for twelve years. He and Lutgarda, have two children: Sara and Nathan.
Matthew Winslow, PhD Studies, joined Cru in 2002 and has served in Eastern Asia, Singapore and the U.S. He has taught church history and theology classes in Singapore, America, East Asia and the South Pacific. He loves talking with others about history and theology and telling stories of how God has been at work throughout history. Matthew is married to Sze Chieh, and they have three children and a dog.
Theological Foundations (Onsite)
TS410, 3 Credits
Fridays, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
Overview focusing on biblical understanding and conviction concerning the major doctrines of the Christian faith, including the doctrines of: God, person and work of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, humanity and sin, salvation, the Church, death and resurrection, and future things.
Jarred Jung, PhD, joined Cru in 2006 and ministers in Asian contexts. He has worked in campus ministry and most recently has lectured in developing seminaries. His passion is for teaching students how to apply theology to every square inch of their life through the lens of the Bible. He enjoys talking with students about theology, hosting people for dinners, and most of all living life with his wife Shelley and his three children.
Derek Atkins, PhD Studies, is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA), and taught English to undergraduate students in East Asia for many years. He comes to EAST with a desire to prepare Christian workers for ministry throughout Asia and beyond.
The Partners in Ministry (PIM) two-year Certificate Program is designed for wives of seminary students as well as wives of men in full-time ministry or bi-vocational ministry. It was developed out of a firm conviction at EAST that married couples called into vocational ministry would bear much fruit when they are equipped to serve alongside each other. The program is designed to equip women as partners in ministry with their husbands. This two-year Certificate Program is offered online. In addition, individual courses are open for all wives, irrespective of their husbands’ vocation, to take the courses as audit students.
For more information, visit www.east.edu.sg/pim or contact the Partners in Ministry Program Director, Mrs Lut Go at lutgo@east.edu.sg.
The courses listed are valid for the semester of 9 January – 9 May 2025. Registration deadline is Tuesday, 31 December 2024. Online registration of courses is available on www.EAST.edu.sg.
Please note the following dates in EAST’s academic calendar:
- Chinese New Year School Break: 27 – 31 January 2025
- Make-Up / Reading Week: 10 – 14 March 2025
- Make-Up / Reading Week: 28 April – 2 May 2025
- Exam Week: 5 – 9 May 2025
Bible Study Methods (Online)
BS310, 2 Credits
Mondays, 13 January – 3 March, 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Looks at basic Bible study methods through careful observation, interpretation and application of Scriptures. By the end of the course, students will learn to glean biblical principles from God’s Word and communicate those principles with others using a simple presentation.
Shelley Jung, BA, has ministered with Cru in overseas contexts since 2006, including for more than a decade in East Asia. She loves connecting with women and helping them grow in their love for God and his Word. She is married to Jarred, a resident faculty at EAST since 2021, and mom to three awesome kids.
Spiritual Formation at Home (Online)
LF333, 2 Credits
Mondays, 10 March – 28 April, 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Seeks to encourage and equip parents with a growing awareness of their children’s development and to learn how to attend to their spiritual formation and discipleship needs. The prevalent influence of the social media/gadgets and its implications on children’s formation and discipleship will also be discussed. Based on the biblical and theological perspectives, the participants will learn creative ways to help their children create a formative space to connect with God, their family and others in a spiritual community. Course limited to Partners in Ministry program and visiting students.
Josephine Goh, EdD studies, has been on staff with Cru Singapore since 1995. For thirteen years, she served on a Campus Leadership Team and Great Commission Training Center before she joined EAST to serve with Partners in Ministry (2008-2011). As a certified MBTI coach and faculty, she enjoys helping EAST students grow in self-awareness and in their personal development. She is married to Benson Goh, and they have three children.
Registration deadline is Tuesday, 31 December 2024.