Enjoy the promotional rate of $80 for each EAST course taken for audit held during January – May 2025. Usually up to $285 school fees for an audit course. Join a course or two to be equipped and transformed in your life and ministry.
Onsite, online, and concurrent courses offered at EAST this semester.
Almost all EAST courses include both synchronous and asynchronous portions. During the synchronous portion, the class meets at a specific time either online via Zoom or onsite at EAST.
- “Onsite” courses meet at EAST.
- “Online” courses will have synchronous sessions held only online.
- “Concurrent” courses are held onsite and online simultaneously. Singapore residents who are taking the course for credit can only take the course onsite. Audit students must choose either onsite or online for the duration of the course.
During the asynchronous portion of each course, enrolled learners do assigned work on their own by a specific date (e.g. online discussions, readings, watching videos, etc.).
Certain classes may require audit students to complete some assignments and/or in-class projects to maximise their learning experience.
SEMESTER COURSES (9 January – 9 May 2025)
Evening Courses – Online
- Integral Mission & Transformational Development (IS566, 3 credits)
- Transforming Leadership (LF511, 3 credits)
- Leading Multicultural Teams (IS565, 3 credits)
Day Courses – Onsite
- Christian Marriage & Family in Asia (LF560, 3 credits)
- Exposition of Matthew (NT530, 3 credits)
- Old Testament Narratives (OT510, 3 credits)
- Teaching & Learning 2 (LF531, 3 credits)
- World Missions (IS510, 2 credits)
- Biblical Counseling in Ministry (LF561, 3 credits)
- New Testament Epistles & Revelation (NT511, 3 credits)
- Spiritual Life & Transformation (TS532, 3 credits)
- Church, Society & Ethical Issues in Asia (IS560, 3 credits)
- Biblical Hebrew 2: Exegesis Using Tools (OT502, 3 credits)
- Church History 2 (TS501, 3 credits)
- Theological Foundations (TS410, 3 credits)
Day Courses – Concurrent Onsite & Online
- Theology 2 (TS511, 3 credits)
Day Courses, Online – Partners in Ministry
- Bible Study Methods (BS310, 2 credits) 13 January – 3 March – For Wives Only
- Spiritual Formation at Home(LF333, 2 credits) 10 March – 28 April – For Wives Only
MAY 2025
Intensive Classes – Onsite
- Crisis Counseling (LF563, 3 credits)
Textbooks for the above courses are listed here. Please note that no additional copies of textbooks will be available for sale during class time besides those available with prior confirmed textbook orders.
Maximum Class Size
Each course has a class size limit whether online or onsite. You will be informed by the Registrar Office if the class that you seek to register has reached its maximum size.
Registration, Payment and Textbooks
- Sign up online!
- Courses description
- Recommended textbooks
- School calendar
- Payment and textbook policy