Inter College Games 2025


Two weeks ago on 7 March 2025, 5 seminaries came together for Inter College Games 2025 starting with a time of worship at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church before moving over to Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park for a series of friendly competitions. This year, EAST snagged the top prizes for Captain’s Ball and Relay Team and cheered our hearts out, even as our Student Council were helming the organisation of the Games.

Below are two student reflections from Tan Jing Fei was participated in Captain’s Ball and Pang Xin Xian who helped in organising the games.

A Reflection on Captain’s Ball at the Inter College Games – Tan Jing Fei (MA Intercultural Studies)

Playing in the Inter College Games was more than just a competition—it was a chance to connect with my fellow students and faculty in a way that our classroom environment does not always allow. At EAST, we spend so much time immersed in our studies, diving deep into theological discussions. But when we step onto the field for a game like captain’s ball, everything changes. On the field, there is no distinction between students and faculty, locals and internationals. We are all just players, working together for a common goal.

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In Memory of Alumna Lim-Bay Wan Jee


In Memory of Lim-Bay Wan Jee (1973-2025), EAST Alumna 2007, MDiv ICS 

On 8 March 2025, EAST Community lost one of our best and brightest students who graduated in 2007 with a Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies – Bay Wan Jee. The Lord has called her home. All who know her and have been touched by her gentleness and warmth will cherish our memories with her in our hearts. She graduated from EAST with an Academic Excellence Award, earned by those who are top of their MDiv cohort academically. Wan Jee has also served as a missionary with Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) for 15 years from 2008 after her graduation from EAST. Her ministry was with the elderly in Japan. But when she was undergoing cancer herself and had to go through pain, hers was also a ministry of pain among cancer patients whom she could relate to and empathise with.

Below are eulogies by her teachers and friends about “whose” and “who” she is with the resultant impact on others. Hers was a life well lived for Christ. Aptly, her theme verse for her obituary was, “For to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain” Phil 1:21 (NIV). Her life quote came from Jim Elliott: “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

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Only One Life


The above song “Only One Life” (as composed by Lanny Wolfe in 1973) was inspired by the poem that Charles Thomas Studd (1860-1931) wrote. C. T. Studd is a member of the so-called Cambridge Seven who gave their lives to Christ and His missions. May its timeless message and perspective resonates in our hearts daily. Read and ponder the poem:

“Only One Life” by C. T. Studd

Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
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Myanmar-Indo Mission Trip Reflection

During the December break when many students take the opportunity to return to their homelands to visit family and friends, there were three North East Indian students Athem, Achui, and Themreiso who decided to spend some time ministering to Myanmar refugees at the Myanmar-Indo border to help meet physical needs and share the love of Jesus Christ with them. Below are reflections by Athem, a leader and organiser of the mission trip, and Themreiso as a team member.

“I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve Myanmar refugees at the Indian border, who have fled war and poverty. Despite their circumstances, I saw them as individuals with dreams and aspirations, just like us. However, their situation has left them vulnerable physically and spiritually. During this trip, I witnessed God’s remarkable power in several ways. He provided for our financial needs, protected us amidst danger, and saw God supernaturally moved hearts in response to the good news of Jesus Christ. Praise God for those who accepted Christ as their Saviour which constitutes 90% of whom we ministered to.

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November 2024 Intensive Class Reflections


During November 2024, two intensive classes were held at EAST – “Intercultural Communications” course by Dr Alvin Tey and “Exposition of Hebrews” course by Dr Gilbert Soo Hoo.

Below are two reflections by students who attended the “Intercultural Communications” class. The first reflection is by Mr Tan Jing Fei, a Singaporean final year Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies student whose undergraduate degree is in law. The second reflection is from another final year MA in Intercultural Studies student who hails from Mongolia. Ms Nurjanar Shampan or “Nuugii” as she is commonly known shares her insightful reflection on her culture.

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