Alumnus: Ordination of Rev Asung Pharung Khapai

Rev Asung Pharung Khapai was ordained on 26th January 2025.


EAST rejoices with alumnus Rev Asung Pharung Khapai (MA Intercultural Studies, 2019) who was ordained by the Tangkhul Baptist Churches Association on 26 January 2025. Praise God for the affirmation of His call on Rev Asung as a minister of the gospel of the grace of God by the Tangkhul church leaders. Below is his faith journey as he recalls how the Lord has led him and his family all the way including through his studies at EAST.

I grew up in a farmer’s family in a small hill village of Manipur, Northeast India. My parents raised me in a Christian home with six siblings, but I was not serious in my Christian beliefs. I encountered Christ in the year 2000 through the study of the Gospel of John. I came to realise God’s unfailing love for me. Things were so different with new experiences and new journey of my life. I realised I was totally a new person in Christ. From the time I gave my life to Jesus, I started reading His Word, attending Bible studies and maintaining my quiet time regularly. With my earnest prayer and commitment, I enrolled in a Seminary for my theological education in my home country. I enjoyed learning God’s word, and getting to know Him more and more as I studied about Him.

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Faculty Development Days Reflections


At the end of each semester, EAST faculty come together to learn and grow as educators. The recent so-called Faculty Development Days was held with a dual focus on “Distance and Online Theological Education Competence” and “Nurturing a Disability-Inclusive Seminary” for the two days respectively. Below are some reflections by two of EAST faculty who were in attendance.

Reflection of day one by Rev Derek Atkins

I found the Distance and Online Theological Education Competence (D/OTEC) session very insightful. Ever since the Covid pandemic, there has been an explosion of distance and online classes of every kind, including among theological schools such as EAST. As we work toward utilizing this teaching method more effectively, it is helpful for us to consider what methods will help us deliver effective theological education in an online environment.

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Giving to EAST – Thanksgiving Season


Hear from the EAST President, Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok as he recaps the blessings of God-given students and equipping opportunities through EAST over the past year. We thank God for ministry partners who stood with us in praying and giving this past year.

Do prayerfully respond to the challenge of supporting EAST for the coming year in this Thanksgiving season as we seek to fulfill her God-given mission in “developing Christ-centred servant leaders for the Great Commission in Asia and beyond.”

To give to EAST, visit our giving page. Shalom.

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Wanted: ESL Teacher/Coach for International Students

We are asking if you might be interested to help with our school’s English for Seminarians (EFS) program. You may help by being an English language coach or teaching English as Second Language (ESL) classes to our international students. Or, you may recommend someone you know to us who can teach or coach others in English as per above. You can read more about our EFS here.

We are starting the next EFS cohort in January 2025. Please email our EFS Program Director, Rev Derek Atkins (derekatkins [at] if you are interested to help or know of contacts who may be willing to help.

Any leads or assistance would be highly appreciated. Shalom.

THANK YOU for considering to help in our equipping servant leaders for the spiritual harvest in Asia and beyond.


English for Seminarian Program
East Asia School of Theology


MG Ministry Weekend Reflections – Part 2


Last week we shared part one of reflections from three Mentoring Groups (MG) on their EAST MG Ministry Weekend trips. We now present more reports from three other MGs who visited an Indochina country and a neighbouring country where Singaporeans love to go for weekend trips. To find out more, read the reflections by Dr Justine Han, Dr Raymond Go & Rev Derek Atkins, and Dr Lewis Winkler who are MG leaders.

4. Teaching and Outreach in Ho Chi Minh City – Dr Justine Han

Our MG experienced a great unity as a team in serving one another personally and while doing ministry. We had great fun and bonding times to get to know each other better. Although almost all of our ten student team members were new in going for the ministry weekend, we thoroughly enjoyed serving the hosting church members through presenting four seminars and two children outreach programs.

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