True Blessings for Our New Life, Not Just the New Year


True Blessings for our New Life, not just the New Year:
On The Beatitudes or 《八福》 “Eight Blessings” of Matthew 5:3-11

There are so many subjective ideas of what blessings are.

Will this be a blessed year? It has started on an ominous note as the world reels from the threats of new tariffs every day. Some may attribute this shaky start to a snaky year.

If, however, we don’t believe in an almanac or a zodiac, for blessings, where and how are we to be endowed with them?

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Happy Lunar New Year!


The EAST President, Faculty, Students and Staff wish all a Blessed Lunar New Year!

“You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance” – Psalm 65:11

The pinyin greeting of the Chinese couplet is:

主赐恩惠 (zhǔ cì ēn huì)

合家蒙福 (hé jiā méng fú)

The English equivalent is

“May the LORD grant His abundant grace and overflowing blessings to you and your family!”
