EAST Express Tabao Theology Podcast – Be My Valentine


14 February is Saint Valentine’s Day! 

In this episode of EAST Express Tabao Theology, EAST faculty Rev Jacob and Mrs Josephine Li address questions like: Should Christians celebrate Valentine’s Day? What is its origin? Was it really a pagan festival?

Also, regardless of whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s Day, they have some practical tips on how to cultivate a thriving marriage and relationship that you or your friends may find helpful. Read more

Theological Studies & EAST eOpen House

Join a convo with Matthew Winslow (left) and Jarred Jung (right), EAST resident faculty


How is Theological Studies Applicable to Life and Ministry

Watch a video conversation between two faculty who teaches theology. EAST Resident Faculty, Matthew Winslow (PhD candidate) and Jarred Jung (PhD candidate), discussed why and how theology matters in a Christian’s life and its impact on personal and church ministry.

Matthew noted a key question that theological studies seek to address: “How do we interact with a world that’s changing so quickly and in a distinctly Christian and gospel-centred way?”

Consider coming for EAST eOpen House on Saturday, 18 February 2023, 9.30 AM to find out more about theological studies. Visit the event page for details and to sign-up (indicate Theological Studies as a discipline of interest).

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Faith in Action – Love Your Neighbour

Rev Gabriel Liew spoke on “Evidence of Faith”


How do we reconcile saving faith and good works in our Christian belief and practice?

Hear from Rev Gabriel Liew, a pastor with Living Hope Methodist Church as he spoke on “Evidence of Faith” in the first day of the Lunar New Year. He shared from the Scriptures backed by a lived personal experience of reaching out and ministering to those in need as an expression of loving his neighbours. He is also very involved with inter-faith work and seeks to show Christ’s love as “blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9, NIV).

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From Crafts to Christ


All of us are called to live out the Great Commission. How then can we use our interests/talents for evangelism? For the longest time, I love beautiful things because of my background in fashion and interior design. God challenged me to use my interests/talents for His glory.

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Blessed Hope in God for 2023

May you and your family be blessed this Lunar New Year as you place your hope on a gracious God.

– From all at EAST


耶 和 华 说 : 我 知 道 我 向 你 们 所 怀 的 意 念 是 赐 平 安 的 意 念 , 不 是 降 灾 祸 的 意 念 , 要 叫 你 们 末 後 有 指 望 。 ( 耶 利 米 書 29:11, CUV)

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)

主 赐 恩 惠 ,

合 家 蒙 福

God grants grace so that the entire family is blessed.


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