Singapore National Day Parade 2021


The theme for Singapore National Day Parade 2021 (NDP2021) is “Together Our Singapore Spirit.” It was postponed this year due to COVID-19 “Heightened Alert” restrictions to 21 August 2021 (traditionally it was held on the National Day, 9th August). It was very well done even with the constraints of the parade’s rehearsals and performance being executed with safe management measures in place. We pray for a Singapore spirit that reflects the righteous compassion of Psalm 33:12 and practice the merciful justice of Micah 6:8.

According to the “live” broadcast blurb, NDP2021 is about the “Singapore Spirit.” Through three locally produced animated short films, “the show captures the pain of isolation and hardship experienced by several individuals, the struggles they faced to survive and the friends they made that helped them triumph.” The NDP is thus a reflection on Singapore’s past and a review of the way ahead.

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Happy 56th National Day, Singapore!


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
– Psalm 33:12, ESV

Happy 56th Birthday, Singapore! Together our Singapore Spirit! God bless our Nation! 🇸🇬

Let’s celebrate our unity as a country of diverse cultures.

Together, we will rise from these uncertain times… we did it before, and we will do it again.

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Zoom Relief Tips Redux


EAST published a four-part series, “ABCs of Handling Zoom Fatigue,” which gave some Zoom relief tips on our blog some eight months ago. Here is a summary list of the tips and links to the actual posts (click on the section title). Enjoy!

Part 1

  • A – Adjusting the screen to “speaker’s view” (when we are attending class or meeting), and not looking at your own view.
  • B – Breaks to be taken regularly for the brain to rest and to stretch the body.
  • C – Cut down on virtual meetings.

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Webinar Series: Enhancing Personal Skills


A series of care and counselling webinars in 2021/2022 are being offered by APICC, the counselling and community service arm of the Asian Pastoral Institute (API).

EAST is privileged to equip a number of the current API leadership and faculty including the Dean, Dr Jeanne Lian Bee Tin (MDiv, 2003), Pastor Choo Keh Mui (MDiv, 2002), Dr Lam Swee Sum (MDiv, 2014), Pastor Gideon Lau Chee Wah (MDiv, 2008), Dr Lee Kian Cheng (MDiv, 2002), Dr Loke Keng Choong (MDiv, 2002), and Dr Steven Tham Chee Kin (MDiv, 2002).

See below for more information on the webinars.

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