COVID Home Recovery Guide for Families & Kids


“This book is written for young children to provide a reassuring peek into the journey of recovering from COVID at home. It is also meant as a handy guide for parents and caregivers with children going through Singapore’s Home Recovery Programme (HRP) for COVID,” according to the blurb on this ebook.

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Transforming Leadership (Online Evening Course)

Transforming Leadership (LF511, 3 Credits, Online)
11 January – 10 May 2022, Tuesdays, 7.00 pm-9.00 pm

Seeks to equip leaders to commit to authentic personal transformation and the passion to serve the world around them for Jesus’ sake. This course examines the underlying theology, leadership theory, and skill set of a transforming leader in today’s world. Leadership is neither a job nor a position. It is a passion and a calling. A transformational servant-leader seeks to bring about change in organizations and individuals.

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Intensive Classes – Nov/Dec 2021

EAST is committed to offering as best a learning experience as possible whether online, onsite, or concurrently. We are offering our full value courses free from tuition fees for audit students (i.e. not for credit) as part of the GLO@EAST promotionRegistration fee of S$40 is still payable upon sign–up to confirm your place. Registration deadline for intensive classes is Friday, 19 November 2021.

“Online” courses will have synchronous sessions held only online. “Concurrent” courses are held onsite and online simultaneously. Singapore residents who are taking the course for credit can only take the course onsite. Audit students must choose either onsite or online for the duration of the course.

Engaging with Religious Identity (Concurrent)

IS571, 3 credits
24 November – 3 December (from Wednesday to the following Friday excluding Saturday and Sunday)
9.00 am-5.00 pm

This course explores the dimensions of religious identity and the various ways these are experienced by the adherents or practitioners of Chinese religious traditions in their lived experiences. Through a deeper understanding and appreciation of these dimensions, common space will hopefully be enlarged for the co-existence of different religious identities in multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Singapore and beyond.

Daniel Low, PhD, currently serves as Vice President Academic Affairs at William Carey International University. Prior, he held positions at Biola University, Concordia University Chicago, and Raffles Christian School Jakarta. A passionate researcher of developments within Chinese religious traditions in Singapore, his dream is to see sustainable and meaningful conversations between followers of Jesus and practitioners of these traditions.


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ETHOS Annual Conference 2021: The Triune God

Dr Lewis Winkler, EAST Resident Faculty, spoke on Zoom at the ETHOS Annual Conference on the theme of the Triune God (25 September 2021). He is a lecturer in theological and historical studies.

Dr Winkler singled out the theological concept of perichoretic love as a means to enhance a deeper understanding of the Trinity. See the video below for the talk by Dr Winkler.

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8 Life Hacks on Online Education and Facilitation


EPISODE 1: HACK #1 – CHUNK CONTENT, is out today!

Learn about the “8 Life Hacks on Online Education and Facilitation” by EAST Resident Faculty, Mr Jacob Li with A sequenced release on EAST Instagram.

It is happening every Tuesday and Thursday for the next 5 weeks beginning 9/9/2021. Each video is only 4-8 mins. long but packed with great tips and treats.

All on Instagram TV (IGTV) –

#GoEAST #eastlifestyle

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