EAST Express Tabao Theology Podcast – Christmas
Christmas is just a few days away and EAST has put together a special Christmas 2-part podcast, available in both audio and video format!
This inaugural Christmas edition of EAST Express podcast features “Tabao Theology” which aims to give listeners valuable takeaways to help transform their thinking, feeling, and way of living on topics of the day. This two-part podcast features Anj Pantaleon (EAST MDiv student), Jacob Li and Jarred Jung (both EAST Resident Faculty) discussing trivia, truths, and theology about Christmas. Read more
30 ON 30 Special Promotion
30 ON 30 – Being Transformed in Your Heart, Head, and Hands
30 ON 30 is a special promotion for EAST regular courses as part of our 30th Anniversary celebrations! Each regular course will only cost $30 taken for audit and enrolled from July 2022 to June 2023. Savings of up to $220 or 88% off per course!
Do join our classes–a holistic transformative experience for many who came. Audit students may be asked to complete some assignments and/or in-class projects to maximise their learning experience.
EAST 30th Anniversary Book
East Asia School of Theology celebrated its 30th Anniversary with a Thanksgiving Celebration for ministry partners on 12 November 2022 and a Homecoming Reunion for alumni on 18 November 2022.
View the commemorative book below as a flipbook and be blessed by the stories of the alumni, student, and staff. Click the button for the full screen view and
button to download. Or you can download the PDF here. Enjoy!
You may also view the above on the flipbook creation website.
Coordinators: Agnes Kao, Eliza Yeh. Editors: Woon Lee Tzu, Agnes Kao. Design/Layout: Blessed Charity Ong. Photos: Lau Ying Kheng. Paintings: Patrick Ng. Contributors: Various alumni and Wong Ee Yuing.
John 3:16 – Multilingual Worship Song
John 3:16 Sung in Arabic, English, Hebrew, Korean, Russian and Persian
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16, ESV.
Despite the variety of cultures, languages, and nationalities, there is One who unites them all–He who is Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour. The Bible verse in John 3:16 summarised this great truth, called us to respond to God’s great love, and formed the basis for this multilingual worship song. Shalom!