Mongolian Alumni in Recovery from Covid-19

EAST News caught up with two more Alumni families from Mongolia in recent weeks. They have varying experiences of Covid-19 and the updates are as follow.

Left to Right: Uuganaa, Tengis (5), Ninjin (9), Una

Uuganbaatar Chuluunbaatar, or better known as Uuganna, who graduated in 2016 with a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies was recently affected by Covid-19 in April, together with his wife Una and two young children Ninjin, 9, and Tengis, 5. But thanks be to God, their entire family are fully recovered and the picture above was taken on 1 June which is Children’s Day in Mongolia when their family was healthy enough to go on a day hike. After graduating from EAST, Uuganaa was the Missions Department Leader in Mongolia CRU but he has received a new appointment in May to be a Youth Strategy Leader. Do uphold him in prayers as he adjust to his new role and thank God for preserving his health and his family’s health from the Covid-19 episode.

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姐妹服事工具箱 – Mandarin Workshops for Sisters

姐妹服事工具箱 – Sisters in Ministry Toolbox Workshops

李林巧玲(Mrs Josephine Li)东亚神学院PIM讲师。

李林巧玲PIM讲师在达拉斯神学院毕业,获妇女服事硕士。她十年来在各国环境为妇女服务及提供培训。她热爱装备从不同背景的妇女们在不同生活季节中活出神赐的潜力。 她的愿望是为妇女们提供全面,实用,创新和能移转的自我发展培训,并在其事工环境中更有效地服务。

欢迎有心与个人自我发展或事奉进修的姐妹们参加。欢迎姐妹们报名参加自我提升也能帮助扩展你的事工。 View the English version of the workshops here.


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Sisters in Ministry Toolbox Workshops (Jul-Nov 2021)

Mrs Josephine Li, an EAST Partners in Ministry Adjunct Faculty, will be conducting six upcoming workshops for sisters in ministry, from July to November 2021, on Fridays, 1.00 pm – 2.30 pm (Singapore time).  To register for any of the free workshops, sign up here!此处查看研讨会的中文版。

See more details of the workshops below. For further enquiries, email

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Faculty in 1.1.1 Revival Prayer Movement


Above is a Korean video clip (with English subtitles) of Dr Justine Han sharing prayer requests for Singapore. It is part of mobilising prayer through the 1.1.1 Prayer Revival Ministry. Dr Justine Han, along with her husband, Dr Raymond Song, are both resident faculty members of EAST. She teaches Christian Marriage and Family and Biblical Counselling courses at EAST. The write-up below by Dr Justine Han gives an insight into the genesis of the 1.1.1 Revival Prayer Movement which she is involved in.

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Indonesian Alumni’s Recovery from Covid-19

Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the world for over a year and EAST Alumni have been directly affected as well. EAST News caught up with two families from Indonesia, two families from Mongolia and one family from India who have suffered from Covid-19. Below are their brief updates from two families in Indonesia. More updates will follow next week.

Left to Right: Hendra Bagun, Eugenia (4), Lavisha (6), Hanna Sylvia Sitompul

Hendra Bagun, who graduated in 2017 with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, is currently pursuing an EdD and is currently the President at Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Bethsaida, a seminary in Medan, Indonesia. He suffered from Covid-19 from the first week of January this year, but thankfully his wife and children were spared. He experienced the loss of the sense of taste and smell for about two months. The senses were only fully recovered from March to April. The seminary currently runs all their classes online.

The situation in Medan is still quite serious, under red alert. Hendra shared about a Chinese student named Su Beity who also suffered from Covid-19 and is in a serious condition.. She is taking Master of Christian Education in his seminary and currently is also suffering from fibrosis on her lungs due to Covid-19. Please keep Su Beity in prayers for her recovery.

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