EAST New Logo

One of the many new things that the Lord has done at EAST-“New Logo”.

The colour green signifies growth. The cross represents Jesus Christ who is the source and goal of our faith. The flame which is also shaped like a dove represents both the Holy Spirit and the fireseeds of the gospel. The book is in reference to the Holy Bible which is for our life transformation.

View the video below for our refreshed brand and the rationale behind the new logo.

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Korean Alumnus Serves Cru Regionally: Daniel Ko


Recently, EAST News got in touch with Daniel Ko (MA in Biblical Studies, 2011). He is currently serving regionally with eight Southeast Asian countries and the International Graduate School of Theology (IGSL), Philippines, an EAST’s sister seminary. He wrote his update in Korean and it has been translated into English below.

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Cru’s #1426EVERYDAY Prayer Initiative


Every year, Cru Singapore joins the LoveSingapore’s 40.Day Prayer focus together with many Singapore churches. For this year, Cru’s #1426EVERYDAY prayer initiative is the platform for its participation in the 40.Day Prayer. It is happening over Zoom, 1 July – 9 August 2021, Mondays to Fridays, 9.00 – 10.00 AM. It seeks to mobilise Cru/EAST staff, friends and volunteers to come together online and pray for Singapore, Cru and EAST, and one another.

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Introducing EAST’s Newest Faculty: Rev Jarred Jung

EAST’s newest Theology professor Rev Jarred Jung, his wife Shelley and three children TJ (Timothy John), Hannah and Ryn are preparing for their transition from the US to Singapore at the moment. EAST News interviewed him recently as to how God directed he and his family to EAST.

  1. How did you and your family first heard about EAST and decided to move from America to Singapore to teach at EAST?

The first time I heard about EAST was when I was in a seminary class in Orlando, Florida and sat beside William Lim on the first day on class! It is a small world. But actually I learned more about EAST as I worked on the theological development team with Cru in East Asia and saw the work EAST was doing to help train our staff in that part of the world.

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EAST Thanksgiving & Envisioning Day 2021


On 5 June 2021, we held our inaugural EAST Mission Hub Thanksgiving and Envisioning Day (TED) online over two sessions at 10.00 am and 2.30 pm with over 100 participants joining us for each of the sessions. The program saw various alumni, students, faculty, and Christian leaders who testified of God’s work in their lives and ministry because of their journey through and with EAST.

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