God’s Bespoken Blessing to EAST
Posted by eeyuing on December 10, 2021 · Leave a Comment
Blessed Charity Ong joined EAST as an intern in 2019 to complete her Communication Master’s degree and then stayed on as a volunteer. She designed many of our EAST’s collaterals and equipped the Advancement Team with media design and communication skills. She is the design genius who helped to initiate the EAST’s rebranding project and came up with a new brand kit and logo. This happened as we relocated from 110 Middle Rd to our new permanent campus at 118 Joo Chiat Rd. Read about Blessed’s journey in her own words and her motivation to bless EAST for His glory.
Blessed’s Journey in Design & Communications
It is actually a story of creating and developing something out of nothing. My first ministry was being part of the Music Team. But as our church grows and expands its vision to becoming a church that adopts the digital trend, there came a need to fill in that gap. And as a young person at that time, with zero knowledge on all the media tools and softwares, I prayed and asked for my parents’ support to switch from my current college program to Multimedia Arts, to hone my skills and to help further the advancement of our church ministry. So I believe what I have in my hand at that moment is only a desire to serve and with that hope, that I want to be part of something great.
Filed under Newsletter · Tagged with #EASTCommunity, blessing, Design & Communications, EAST Lifestyle, Volunteer
姐妹服事工具箱 – Cantonese Workshops for Sisters
Posted by eeyuing on December 6, 2021 · Leave a Comment
姐妹服事工具箱 – Sisters in Ministry Toolbox Workshops
李林巧玲(Mrs Josephine Li)東亞神學院PIM講師。
歡迎有心與個人自我發展或事奉進修的姐妹們參加。歡迎姐妹們報名參加自我提升也能幫助擴展你的事工。 View the English version of the workshops here. 在此处查看研讨会的普通话版本。
Filed under Event, Newsletter · Tagged with Cantonese, Digital Ministry, Discipleship, sisters in ministry, women, workshop, Workshops
On DMin Program and Thinking Critically: Samuel Kim
Posted by eeyuing on December 3, 2021 · Leave a Comment

L-R: Eunsu (12), Jinny, Yejun (15), Samuel Kim
EAST Alumnus Samuel Kim SeongMin who graduated with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies in 2013 has enrolled in EAST-AGST-Alliance’s Doctor in Ministry (DMin) Program in 2018. In the short interview below, he shares his DMin journey – what led him to take up the program and how it has benefitted his life and ministry so far.
Q: Since your graduation from EAST, what made you decide to embark on the DMin program organised by EAST and AGST Alliance?
A: I have had the most meaningful and prayerful moment when I spent time of study at EAST. I was refreshed and strengthened by God, fellow students and faculty there. Upon returning to Korea, I spent busy times adjusting back and leading ministry. Also, I was gradually exhausted. I usually taught the Bible to students in small groups, led the ministry, but my heart longed for restoration. Then I heard about the DMin program and one of the seniors suggested that I joined the program. I thought that if I studied, I would be busier than now, but on the other hand, I also expected that I would be refreshed and grow more. If I grow more, I have the belief that I will be able to better serve my ministry. Not only that, but I also thought it was an opportunity to contribute to Korean Campus Crusade for Christ (KCCC), the organization I belong to. So, I applied for the DMin program.
Filed under Newsletter · Tagged with DMin, EAST Alumni, KCCC, leadership, MABS, Prayer Requests
姐妹服事工具箱 – Mandarin Workshops for Sisters
Posted by eeyuing on December 2, 2021 · Leave a Comment
姐妹服事工具箱 – Sisters in Ministry Toolbox Workshops
李林巧玲(Mrs Josephine Li)东亚神学院PIM讲师。
李林巧玲PIM讲师在达拉斯神学院毕业,获妇女服事硕士。她十年来在各国环境为妇女服务及提供培训。她热爱装备从不同背景的妇女们在不同生活季节中活出神赐的潜力。 她的愿望是为妇女们提供全面,实用,创新和能移转的自我发展培训,并在其事工环境中更有效地服务。
欢迎有心与个人自我发展或事奉进修的姐妹们参加。欢迎姐妹们报名参加自我提升也能帮助扩展你的事工。 View the English version of the workshops here. 在此處查看工作坊的粵語版。
请参阅下面的更多详细信息。如有查询,请发送电邮至 sistersinministrytoolbox@gmail.com。
Sisters in Ministry Toolbox Workshops (Jan to May 2022)
Posted by eeyuing on November 30, 2021 · Leave a Comment
Mrs Josephine Li, an EAST Partners in Ministry Adjunct Faculty, will be conducting six upcoming workshops for sisters in ministry, from January to May 2022, on Thursdays and Fridays, in the afternoons and evenings. To register for any of the free online English workshops, sign up here! 您也可以查看工作坊的普通话或粵語版本。
See more details of the workshops below. Registration will be closed one week prior to the scheduled workshops. For further enquiries, email sistersinministrytoolbox@gmail.com.
Filed under Course · Tagged with Discipleship, makeover, ministry, sisters in ministry, women, workshop, Workshops