Ruth Po Gay: New Student’s Testimony of Healing

L-R: Blessing (cousin), Joel (father), Ruth, Thablay Wah (mother), Naomi (sister)


Ruth Po Gay is a newly enrolled student of EAST who has officially started her Graduate Diploma in Christian Ministry on 3 January 2025 with an orientation at EAST. However, she has a powerful testimony of God’s workings in her life since she has arrived in Singapore last October. Her heartfelt sharing is below.

Over the past years, God has been molding and teaching me through the most challenging season of my life, where I even doubted my existence. While working full-time in 2023, I served in outreach programs in Kwin Baw Village, a predominantly Karen community in the Delta region of Ayeyarwaddy in Myanmar. During these mission trips, I simply helped among those sharing the gospel, teaching Bible lessons, and leading songs. This is when God placed a burden on my heart to serve by reaching out to children with limited access to education, sharing the gospel, and strengthening their faith. Although I have a passion for reaching lost souls, I struggled to submit to Him wholeheartedly and was confined in my own fear. I was so focused on myself and my plans, trying to fit God into them. While my heart was in the right place, my attitude was not.

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Advent Reflection: Where is Jesus?


Below is a timely seasonal reflection by EAST Resident Faculty Rev Dr Lewis Winkler involving a true story of lost and found baby Jesus! Amidst the festivities, have you found the One who truly brings meaning to this season of Advent? Where is Jesus to you?

As part of our yearly Christmas traditions, our family erects a Nativity display, complete with a wooden stable, plastic barn animals, shepherds, an angel, three wise men, Mary and Joseph, and baby Jesus in a manger.  One year, however, baby Jesus disappeared.  Although we searched high and low, He seemed to have vanished into thin air.  When Christmas was over, we reluctantly packed up the stable, animals, and other important figures in the Christmas story, but baby Jesus, who was supposed to be the central figure of the scene, was still missing.

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Faculty Development Days Reflections


At the end of each semester, EAST faculty come together to learn and grow as educators. The recent so-called Faculty Development Days was held with a dual focus on “Distance and Online Theological Education Competence” and “Nurturing a Disability-Inclusive Seminary” for the two days respectively. Below are some reflections by two of EAST faculty who were in attendance.

Reflection of day one by Rev Derek Atkins

I found the Distance and Online Theological Education Competence (D/OTEC) session very insightful. Ever since the Covid pandemic, there has been an explosion of distance and online classes of every kind, including among theological schools such as EAST. As we work toward utilizing this teaching method more effectively, it is helpful for us to consider what methods will help us deliver effective theological education in an online environment.

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Student Reflections on Thanksgiving 2024


The EAST Student Council organised a school-wide Thanksgiving event on 15 November 2024. For Themreiso (from India) and Myo Zaw (from Myanmar), both first year students, it was the first such experience in Singapore and they were much ministered by both the people and event. Read of their personal reflection below.

Today, I arrived at school early at 9 a.m. to help arrange for the Thanksgiving program. As I began assisting, I noticed Henry and Elijah (Student Council members) working tirelessly to prepare for the day. Their dedication reminded me of a valuable lesson: true leadership is found in serving others. This insight inspired me to reflect on my own attitudes toward service and leadership.

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Derek Atkins: Reflections on US Presidential Election Outcome

Photo: BBC News


Here is a short reflection by an American EAST resident faculty, Rev Derek Atkins on his personal response to the recent US Presidential Election outcome. May it cause us to pray diligently for our political and governmental leaders–local or global–as instructed by Paul in 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Dear fellow Americans, good morning from Singapore.

I have been watching the election results throughout the day. Given that recent headlines were predicting this race would be a “coin toss,” I am surprised to see that Donald Trump won the race. I know many of you are happy at this result, and many of you are saddened by this outcome. For the record, I did not vote for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump–I casted a write-in ballot for Condolezza Rice as President and Kay Bailey Hutchinson as Vice President.

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