Alumnus Zoloo Damba – Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ’s new National Director

Left to Right: Bataa Juvaa (former MCCC National Director), Muugii Namgildorj (wife of Zoloo), Zoloo Damba (Current MCCC National Director)


On 9 October 2023, Zoloo Damba (EAST Alumnus, Master of Arts in Leadership, 2020) was installed as the 2nd Mongolian National Director of Mongolia Campus Crusade for Christ (MCCC). It was a significant milestone for Zoloo and MCCC as there is a transition of leadership from the first Mongolian National Director Bataa Juvaa (EAST Alumnus, Master of Divinity, 2011) to another Mongolian, both EAST alumni.

EAST news managed to get Bataa Juvaa to share some thoughts regarding both Zoloo’s and his own time of equipping at EAST.

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Graduate’s Story – Kang Hye-Won, Grad Dip ICS 2023


“The journey toward self-discovery is life’s greatest adventure” (Arianna Huffington, author, columnist and businesswoman).

Upon graduating from university in Korea, Kang Hye-Won moved to Sydney, Australia, and worked in the city’s ubiquitous sandwich shops to support himself.

Purpose? To become someone God could use.

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Worldwide Day of Prayer 2023


On Tuesday, 3 October 2023, EAST and Cru Singapore came together for a Worldwide Day of Prayer (WDP). Conducted twice yearly by all Cru ministries globally, it was a blessed time of communion with God and fellow co-labourers in the Lord.

The prayer theme was “The Battle Belongs to the Lord,” based on 2 Chronicles 20:15. The WDP consisted of three parts: 1) Morning – Prayer & Worship together reflecting on 2 Chronicles 20:1-22; 2) Lunch & Prayer Time in small groups of five to six; 3) Afternoon – Prayer Walk around the town area.

Below are some reflections from EAST faculty and students.

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Inaugural Partners-in-Ministry Chinese Program


Equipping the most important partner of Chinese ministers and Christian workers

EAST launched the Chinese online program of the Partners in Ministry (PIM) in July 2023 to meet the equipping needs of Mandarin-speaking wives of men who are ministers, Christian workers, and seminary students. EAST News caught up Mrs Agnes Liong to find out more on the progress of the program and students.

“I started attending church with my mother when I was just 5 years old, but I truly received Christ as my Lord when I was 15 and was passionate about sharing the gospel with others. Hence, at 16, I started serving full-time and brought the good news to different places. After being married, we decided I would work to support the family and his ministry so he could serve God full-time. However, I wanted to study and be more equipped so that I can serve alongside my husband better,” a student wrote in her application for the Chinese PIM program.

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MG Ministry Weekend – Building Up the Body of Christ


One of the distinctives of EAST is MG (Mentoring Group) Ministry Weekend, when students, with guidance from mentors, gain ministry experience at regional locations in partnership with local churches and ministries. The students are part of EAST MGs with faculty as the MG Leaders. In the words of Mrs Josephine Goh, EAST Director of MG, “Ministry Weekend is a valuable time to behold God’s faithful love for his people in Asia! It is also a timely pause for our students to apply what they have learned in classes; truly a time of ‘intentional mentoring and enhanced learning without walls’ experience.”

This year, from 14 to 19 September, there were five teams that ministered in three countries: Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. What did they do at these locales and how was the experience beneficial to the team members and the hosts?

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