The Cross Brings Peace
The cross is the symbol of Christianity. Indeed, the Cross is often seen as the logo of Christianity. It is displayed prominently on almost every church. Christians often wear it and display it in their homes and when you see the cross you assume that it signifies something Christian. What exactly does this Christian symbol mean though? Most people recognize that the cross looks backward to the death and resurrection of Jesus. Of course, that event, which we celebrate at Easter, is central to the Christian faith and fundamental to the plan of God. There are many aspects of the cross and Jesus’ work on the cross, but one of the major things that the cross means for Christians is peace. The cross brings peace into the lives of all believers. Now that is kind of a strange thing, because the cross was originally an ugly instrument on which men were hung to die. And yet today, for the Christian, this former instrument of death and torture means peace.
Peace is something that we all need. We have only to look at the news to recognize that our world is constantly in a state of strife. Nations are fighting against one another, men and women are scheming to defraud each other, many things are not as they should be. In fact, we do not even need to look beyond ourselves to recognise this, each of us has an inward sense that things are not quite right. We cannot control ourselves. Even at our best, we are still lacking. We have a sense that things should be better than they are.
Inter College Games 2025
Two weeks ago on 7 March 2025, 5 seminaries came together for Inter College Games 2025 starting with a time of worship at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church before moving over to Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park for a series of friendly competitions. This year, EAST snagged the top prizes for Captain’s Ball and Relay Team and cheered our hearts out, even as our Student Council were helming the organisation of the Games.
Below are two student reflections from Tan Jing Fei was participated in Captain’s Ball and Pang Xin Xian who helped in organising the games.
A Reflection on Captain’s Ball at the Inter College Games – Tan Jing Fei (MA Intercultural Studies)
Playing in the Inter College Games was more than just a competition—it was a chance to connect with my fellow students and faculty in a way that our classroom environment does not always allow. At EAST, we spend so much time immersed in our studies, diving deep into theological discussions. But when we step onto the field for a game like captain’s ball, everything changes. On the field, there is no distinction between students and faculty, locals and internationals. We are all just players, working together for a common goal.
In Memory of Alumna Lim-Bay Wan Jee
In Memory of Lim-Bay Wan Jee (1973-2025), EAST Alumna 2007, MDiv ICS
On 8 March 2025, EAST Community lost one of our best and brightest students who graduated in 2007 with a Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies – Bay Wan Jee. The Lord has called her home. All who know her and have been touched by her gentleness and warmth will cherish our memories with her in our hearts. She graduated from EAST with an Academic Excellence Award, earned by those who are top of their MDiv cohort academically. Wan Jee has also served as a missionary with Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF) for 15 years from 2008 after her graduation from EAST. Her ministry was with the elderly in Japan. But when she was undergoing cancer herself and had to go through pain, hers was also a ministry of pain among cancer patients whom she could relate to and empathise with.
Below are eulogies by her teachers and friends about “whose” and “who” she is with the resultant impact on others. Hers was a life well lived for Christ. Aptly, her theme verse for her obituary was, “For to me, to live is Christ, to die is gain” Phil 1:21 (NIV). Her life quote came from Jim Elliott: “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
The Joy of Giving and Receiving

L: Ying Swant, R: Karin Clack
Discover the joy of giving and receiving through the stories told by a donor and a recipient of her generosity. Karin (an American donor and mentor) and Ying Swant (a Myanmar mentee and EAST program student) have a beautiful relationship which started before Ying Swant joined EAST. However, through her time at EAST, Ying Swant has blossomed and been transformed, and Karin can testify of how she has grown and developed as a labourer of Christ. As a donor, Karin sees much value in investing financially into Ying Swant’s life while she is being equipped at EAST. Ying Swant is deeply grateful for all the ministry partners who have supported her studies at EAST including Karin.
Karin’s Journey of Giving
EAST News posed some questions to Karin (in italics) and here are her responses.
How were you prompted to support her?
Karin: I’ve known Ying Swant since 2021. She has shared with me her dream of opening a school in her native town in Myanmar. Spending time with her, it has been evident her love for the Lord and her desire to see others come to know Him. She has overcome so many obstacles, I was determined if she was accepted at EAST, that I would support her.