Rev LIONG Kwok Wai

Rev LIONG Kwok Wai

Dean of Academics
Lecturer, Leadership Studies


(65) 62919744 Ext 142


PhD studies Theology Kairos University (USA) MDiv Teaching and Exposition, East Asia School of Theology (Singapore), 2017
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), 1999


Kwok Wai served with Cru Singapore since 1999.  In Singapore and oversea assignments, he established himself as a shepherd leader and master trainer and discipler working amongst campus students, young professionals and pastors. He has deep passion for training Christian ministers in evangelism, discipleship and developing emerging leaders and church-planters for the mission field. He is regional director for EAST Extension Centers in East Asia. Kwok Wai is married to Agnes and they have three children.