Christmas X Life’s Big Questions

Graphics modified from Grace Baptist Church, originally titled “Life’s Big Questions.”
The Christmas season is often a festive and busy time for most. Amidst the hustle and bustle, however, we may still be struggling with issues of life and wonder if there is lasting joy and hope. In this series of messages on Christmas and Life’s Big Questions, it seeks to address how the Bible speaks honestly about our struggles and also offers true hope and joy. This is why Christians celebrate Christmas.
Message #1: What’s wrong with the world? (Genesis 3:1-13)
Surveys around the world indicated deep concerns and worries about violence and war, global climate crisis with its resulting calamities, and loneliness epidemic and mental health crisis. So, what is wrong with the world? Genesis 3 tells us that human beings experience and live out of a deep brokenness because we do not have peace with God.
Message #2: Why is Life So Hard? (Genesis 3:14-24)
Life is not easy whether it is relationships, work (our career), sometimes waking up in the morning is not easy, or for some, falling asleep at night is not easy. So if life is so hard, why is it that way? And what hope do we have? Today’s big question is another key piece that everyone needs an answer to. We need it to understand the world and ourselves. Without it we are like astronauts back from space: disoriented and struggling to adjust, expecting the cup to float when we let go, only to have it fall instead.
Message #3: How Will Things Get Better? (Romans 5:12-21)
Death is something we are acquainted with. We have grieved over the passing of loved ones. Death is real and it is something that we are all trying to avoid. But regardless of our age, fitness level, ideologies, or social/economic status we will eventually experience death. On the other hand, self-centred sins resulted in selfishness and destroys relationships, sins of greed and racism resulted in wars and conflicts, sins of pride resulted in foolish decisions, and sins of lust resulted in adultery and broken marriages. Sin and death are the two evils that plagued our world. They explain to us what is wrong with the world and why life is so hard. But God has actually left us with much hope as stated in Romans chapter 5.
Message #4: Where is Jesus? (John 3:16)
We pull out all the seasonal décor, attend holiday parties, anticipate family gatherings, and make lists for how many gifts and cards we will be giving and sending to others. We are also besieged with advertisements urging us to buying more and more things that promise to give us the joy and contentment for which we long. Of course, these promises are never fulfilled, and there always seems to be a bigger and better version of what we have purchased by the time the next Christmas season rolls around. As a result, we frankly find ourselves exhausted and relieved when the whole holiday season finally subsides. And when it comes to Jesus, the real reason for the season, He often gets lost and forgotten in the midst of all the clutter, commotion, and clamour.
Would you like to know God personally? Find out how to receive the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ which provides true hope and lasting joy.