Prayer Pointers August 2024


How do you draw confidence from an unchangeable and faithful source?

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man”. Psalms 118:8 – ESV

To avoid disappointments, trust only in the Lord. 

Praise God:

– That He is unchangeable, reliable, faithful and able to help us, when we take refuge in Him.

– That He is almighty and benevolent and we can seek His help to lift us up, as we have been created for His purposes.

Pray for: 

–  EAST students, staff and faculty to fulfil the duty of the creature to the Creator to trust Him alone and not rely on people or human authority.

– EAST to be a God-honouring community, Christ-like, empowered by the Holy Spirit, that we may be able to love and help others willingly.

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Prayer Pointers August 2024

Design by Blessed

#EASTCommunity #PrayerRequests #GodsStrength

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