Blessed 59th National Day, Singapore!


EAST wants to wish our nation a Happy, Blessed 59th National Day!

Friday 9th August, Singapore celebrates her 59th year of independence as a nation. For nearly six decades, God has blessed our nation with His supernatural grace and rich favour. He has blessed us with exceptional leaders. He kept us protected with peace and harmony within and without our borders. He has prospered us materially beyond all human calculations. Despite our lack of natural resources, by His grace we have transformed from a swamp to be a first world nation.  All praise and glory be unto our Living God for His mercies and grace.

– Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok, President of East Asia School of Theology

NCCS National Day Thanksgiving Service 2024, St Andrew's Cathedral, 15 August, 7.45 PM.

“Together, As One United People” is the theme for this year’s [National Day Parade (NDP)] celebrations. It highlights the collective strength of our people and underscores the importance of every citizen rallying together to shape our future and uplift those around us.

The theme encapsulates the essence of our Nation’s success and resilience. While the road ahead is uncertain, our strength lies within our diversity. It reflects the spirit of Inclusivity, Community and Trust that has enabled us to overcome and flourish in the last 59 years despite the challenges.

Text reproduced from

The official Music Video for NDP 2024 is “Not Alone” sung by Benjamin Kheng:


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