PIM Graduate Salaimphy: I finally had the chance to be trained!

Sailamphy Rakhangmi, EAST PIM graduate, India
Here is the story of Sailamphy Rakhangmi who graduated in May 2024 with an EAST Certificate in Partners in Ministry (PIM). PIM is a two-year Certificate Program designed to provide a learning environment to develop wives of seminary students, wives of men in full-time ministry and wives of men in bi-vocational ministry to grow in partnership with their husbands in the Lord’s ministry.
For a long time Sailamphy, 44, who shepherds a church in New Delhi with her husband Rejoyson, hungered for ministry training.
“But sadly, I didn’t have the paper qualifications for many courses offered,” she says. “I stopped schooling at 13 when my grandparents, my main caregivers, passed away.”
In 2022, a friend invited Sailamphy to a Zoom workshop by EAST faculty Josephine Li, and later to an online EAST Open House.
“To my surprise, then PIM Director Margaret Chan invited me to join the program on Zoom,” she says. “Wow! I finally had the chance to be trained.”
Sailamphy looks back to the past two years with gratitude.
“‘Christian Marriage’, ‘The Significant Woman’, and ‘Introduction to Counselling’ equipped me as my husband’s partner in ministry, especially among the college students who attend our church.”
“Through the training, I learned to listen, ask good questions, and open God’s Word to them. The fruitfulness I experienced has affirmed God’s call for me as a people-helper.”
For those interested to know more about the EAST Partners in Ministry program, please email Mrs Lut Go (PIM English) – lutgo [at] east.edu.sg, and Mrs Agnes Liong (PIM Chinese) – agneslim [at] east.edu.sg.
The above article is adapted from the piece by Dr Lau Ying Kheng, originally written for the EAST 30th Commencement brochure.