EAST Creation Seminar 2024


EAST held a Creation seminar recently featuring a panel of speakers on the topic of Young-Earth creationism and Old-Earth creationism. These speakers and respondents presented and critiqued the two views of Young-Earth and Old-Earth. Theologians and scientists from both persuasions presented biblical-theological and scientific arguments for their views. Respondent to each view also presented their critique of the proponent’s presentation. Speakers also shared how one’s view of creation might affect the gospel ministry to both Christians and non-Christians.

There was a question-and-answer segment using an online Q&A platform for the audience to participate in the dialogue about creation. From the 120 attendees of the seminar, some 40 questions were collected. While some questions were addressed, there were many more that time did not permit for them to be answered. A curated set of questions were subsequently answered by the speakers and posted on an EAST web page.

EAST, as the organiser, has emphasised to all speakers the need to extend “theological hospitality” to one another especially to those who may have different or even polar opposite view. Dr Raymundo Go, an EAST faculty in theology, paraphrasing David Williams (“Theological Hospitality: A Primer” 2021) in his note to all speakers stated that theological hospitality is

an attitude that strives to welcome, appreciate, and respect with humility contributions from different Christian traditions and perspectives. It does not mean that we will be neutral about our own personal views and theological convictions, however, we will aim for dialogue and cooperation as we interact with each other. This means that we will be open to disagreements and questions and respond appropriately. We will respect and not put down those who differ from us.

One of the speakers shared that on receiving the note above, decided that he will follow the spirit of theological hospitality in his presentation.

Positive feedback from the attendees included the following:

  • “The ‘debate’ format was innovative & creative – well done EAST!”
  • “Most of the speakers are very competent and very fair in their discussion of such a controversial issue.”
  • “Hearing the scientific evidence and both sides of the story! I appreciate the space to engage in such a conversation and the responses after each ‘side’.”

Feedback on areas of development included:

  • An extended seminar (up to 4 hours) to allow for: longer presentation by each speaker, longer and more interactive Q & A time, and speakers to respond to and clarify on the presentations of other speakers.
  • “Having a book table that presents the spectrum of views being articulated at the seminar.”
  • “Some speakers did not exercise theological hospitality.”

We are thankful for the good turnout reflecting an ongoing interest by many in Singapore. We also thank the various speakers who were willing to be a part of the panel. We are also grateful for the constructive feedback provided by all who came. Please pray for a spirit of theological hospitality on both sides of these proponents. Such an attitude will allow for a dignified forum where Christ be held high and honoured amidst the exchange of beliefs and ideas.

We are thankful for Ms Judy Lim (CMI) for inviting all the non-EAST speakers to this seminar. The presenters and respondents at the seminar are as follow (in the order of appearance):

Jarred Jung, PhD in Systematic Theology. Resident Faculty of Theological Studies with East Asia School of Theology, Singapore (EAST). Gave the introduction and epilogue.

Terry Mortenson, MDiv, PhD in History of Geology. Author, speaker, and researcher with Answers in Genesis (AIG). Presented via a recorded video.


Don Batten, PhD in Plant Science. Creationist Agricultural Scientist and Senior Scientist with Creation Ministries International Australia (CMI).


Matthew Winslow, PhD Candidate in Historical Theology. Resident Faculty of Theological Studies with East Asia School of Theology, Singapore. Respondent to the Young-Earth view.

Andrew Loke, PhD in Theology. Fellow of the International Society for Science and Religion and Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Presented via a recorded video.

Stephen Chua, PhD in Geology. Research Assistant Professor at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and a Scholar Community Member with Reasons to Believe (RTB).

Mona Bias, PhD in Old Testament. Resident Faculty of Biblical Studies with East Asia School of Theology, Singapore. Respondent to the Old-Earth view.


Two EAST podcast episodes were produced in relation to the above topic. You may watch/listen to “Creation in 6 Days?” as follow:



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