Prayer Pointers 18 January 2024


How may you start the new year afresh and anew while balancing your to do list with caring for your wellbeing?

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” Psalms 19:14 -ESV

Start the year right with securing acceptance of God, not yourself nor others.

Praise God that:

– We can trust and pray to him to exert influence on our minds such that our words and thoughts may be right, pure and pleasing to Him.

– He keeps us from our own corrupt inclinations, and from all temptations to sinful thoughts, and words, and actions, when we follow Him faithfully.

Pray for EAST community:

– To be empowered, knowing that they are pardoned for the past, and have God’s strength to help them in time of need.

– That they will not be indifferent or self-serving; but minister grace to bless others.

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