Prayer Pointers 24 August 2023


Are you able to face trails of life with joy?

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him”. James 1:5 -ESV.

Help is available when you sincerely ask for Godly wisdom.

Praise God:

– That we have a loving and giving God, who gifted us with Holy Spirit who dwells and endows us with wisdom.

– That His Godly wisdom grants us the ability to perceive His plan and purpose for His Kingdom.

Pray for:

– EAST community to live out godly wisdom, able to perceive God’s plan for us individually and purpose for His Kingdom.

– All at EAST to humbly seek God for guidance, that we be intentional and faithful to bless others cheerfully and abundantly.

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