Prayer Pointers 10 August 2023


Let’s celebrate Singapore’s 58th birthday together!

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. Psalm 119:105 -ESV.

How may we gratefully thank God and pray for Singapore?

Praise God:

– That God’s light has been shining on Singapore over 58 years of nation building, to peacefully progress as a nation, through leaders appointed to govern and participation of citizens.

– That His Words reveals insight, direction, and guidance as we navigate through nation building.

Pray for:

– EAST community to be good stewards of God’s provision, be thankful for our EAST campus; use it as a hub to pass on God’s love and be faithful in sharing the gospel.

– All whom God has placed in Singapore to have conviction of heart, to contribute to the welfare of this nation and together build a stronger Singapore.

Design by Blessed

#EASTCommunity #PrayerRequests #God’sGrace

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