Prayer Pointers 1 June 2023


How certain are you, that you are living a life of purpose?

These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:10 -ESV.

How can you take hold of the life of God within and start living as God has intended for you?

Praise God:

– That our identity and the recognition of it is a certainty to a life of purpose in God.

– That it is the Spirit of God that defines our path that leads to a His purpose and a blessed hope.

Pray for:

– Journey mercies for all travelling students, staff and faculty; and that they continue to abide in God.

– EAST community to live life with purpose, intention and be faithful to help find each other fulfil their destiny in God.

Design by Blessed Ong

#EASTCommunity #PrayerRequests #God’sGrace

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