eOpen House 2023

Left to Right: Rev Liong Kwok Wai, Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok, Dr Jeannette Shubert, Ms Anj Pantaleon, Mr Amos Chew. Photo: Jonathan Yao. Design: Blessed Ong.
The annual EAST eOpen House was held on 18 Feb 2023 as an opportunity for both local and international potential students to interact with students and faculty online and find out more in their area of interest.
At the opening plenary, Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok (EAST President), Rev Liong Kwok Wai (Academics Dean), Dr Jeannette Shubert (Associate Academics Dean) together with two student MCs Anj Pantaleon (in MDiv Christian Ministry program) and Amos Chew (in MA Leadership program) interacted over the educational values and vision of EAST and its impact on the students. Dr Chan shared about EAST’s heart, head, hands, and the Holy Spirit as a holistic model of education. Dr Jeannette used a pair of chopsticks to illustrate the dual emphases of academic rigour and practical application as the desired integrated development of the whole person at EAST. See bottom for video of the plenary where the above were discussed and more.
Anj’s personal experience with an EAST class on Teaching and Learning showed her how modelling and mentoring by the teacher, Dr Jeannette, greatly helped her grasped the principles and praxis of the lessons as she sought to apply them.
Amos shared how by being in a Mentoring Group (MG) under Rev Liong as the mentor was instrumental in his character development as a leader.
There were six elective online rooms covering various study disciplines and a Partners-in Ministry program (that is conducted in English, or Mandarin) that visitors were able to enter at various times. The study disciplines covered Biblical Studies, Christian Ministry, Intercultural Studies, Pastoral Counselling, Theological Studies and Teaching & Exposition. There were also opportunities to address questions and meet students at the online lounges: Admissions, International Students, Student Life, Mentoring Group, and Academics. Nearly 80 participants came online for the event (out of which over 40 potential students were identified).
Here’s what Anj has to share of her experience at the eOpen House and at EAST, “As a graduating student, it is my privilege to be one of the emcees during the EAST eOpen House together with Amos, who is a first year student. It was a delight to look back and share how EAST has equipped me for my future ministry. For those who are planning to join our EAST community, I hope you take the challenge to step out in faith and step out of your comfort zones to grow with us in becoming Christlike servant leaders for the Great Commission.”
For potential students who are interested to view videos related to EAST eOpen House and get to know more about EAST and the programs we offer, do check out this page: www.east.edu.sg/goeast
If you have any questions you may have with regards to EAST Admissions, email us at: admissions [at] east.edu.sg.