Alumna Esther on Life Lessons at EAST

Alumna Esther & Family
Esther is an EAST alumna who graduated with a Master of Divinity in Christian Ministry in 2017. She came from Indochina to be equipped at EAST. She came as a single lady and has returned to her home country married, and now has a son Josiah who is turning three. Together with her husband, they are pastoring a local church of over 40 members. Below is an interview of her experience at EAST, some life lessons and prayer requests.
- Could you recall what led you to study at EAST some years ago?
Before knowing about EAST, I wanted to run away from home to solve some problems. But God redirected my heart to seek Him and to be better equipped and know God’s word better. My Korean mentor and another friend Jihoon introduced EAST to me when I was visiting Singapore, and I met Ee Yuing who welcomed me and showed me how to apply for studies at EAST. It was a good match that EAST was offering the English for Seminarian (EFS) course as my English level was not good. I had to take one semester of EFS before I could start the MDiv CM program.
- What were some of your highlights during your time at EAST?
Some of my highlights include building international friendships at EAST through the Mentoring Group (MG) Ministry Weekends and Cross-Cultural Team Internship program (CCTI). I went to Batam, Indonesia, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for my MG Ministry Weekends and for my CCTI, I went to Mongolia with Guia, Gilzoo, Harrison and Terrence. In the countryside, the experience was memorable in that we had to go to a stream to get clean water and to fend off the flies but the nomads who hosted us were very hospitable. We also participated in a Younglife Camp (for high school students) where we were able to share the gospel.
- Share some life lessons learnt in EAST.
One lesson from Dr Rick Langston’s 7 steps to freedom, where we were taught to pray a prayer of cleansing of a room/venue when we step into a new place is something my husband and I still do till this day. We will pray to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit. Also, in Dr Ying Kheng’s Soul Care class, she reminded us no handphone when we spend quiet time with God. Every first day of the New Year, we will lead our church members to spend intimate, quiet time with the Lord. I have also received much generosity and hospitality from many people at EAST. Now, my family keep an extra room to extend hospitality to others as well.
- What are some tips you can share with our EAST students?
Study hard, stick with a local church and learn from people around the world while at EAST.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray that we are able to have on-site services in 2022.
- Pray that we will be faithful in claiming the promise of God in Isaiah 43:19 to have a greater harvest in 2022.
- Pray for opportunities and willingness to share Christ with others.