Prayer pointers – 23 December 2021
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel” Matthew 1:23 – ESV
Immanuel – God with us, His love grants us peace, joy and hope. In this season of love, yet it happens to be a turbulent time globally. Despite the fact that many countries are grappling with multiple challenges, His presence and peace sustain us.
Praise God:
– For His precious gift, His beloved son, who came to die for all that we shall live without fear, but with peace, joy and a hope that we shall have eternal life.
Pray for
– God’s peace and comfort for grieving families, who have lost loved ones to illness, flood and other natural disaster.
– Jesus’s power to enable us to be adaptable to soldier on with strong will and resilience to face the uncertainties.
#LoveGodLoveNeighbor #EASTLifestyle #Prayer Request #Thanksgiving