Korean Alumnus served in New Zealand: Eric Lee Jaesun


EAST Korean Alumnus Mr Eric Lee Jaesun came to EAST to pursue his Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies in 2016 and completed the program in May 2018. EAST News caught up with how he has been doing since his graduation with some short interview questions below.

1. How did you come to Singapore and EAST to study back in 2016?
After studying theology in Korea, I wanted to study further in a new environment. I knew EAST in Singapore while looking for a country where I could study. There was an opportunity to serve the Korean church there, so I came to Singapore and applied to EAST.

2. Why did you choose to do the Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies (MAICS) course?
I wanted to learn about the great God who works beyond cultures and countries. I also wanted to know how other peoples understand and worship God. It might help me a lot in understanding missions. So I choose to study MAICS. The MAICS course is difficult to learn properly in a mono-cultural country like Korea, but it was easier at EAST in Singapore.

3. How has life been for you after your graduation from EAST?
After graduation, I met and married my wise wife and had a lovely son. Then, I went to New Zealand to serve in a Korean church as an assistant pastor. The cultural understanding I learned at EAST helped me a lot to understand youth growing in diverse cultures. Now, I am back in Korea and looking for a new ministry field.

4. What was most memorable about your time of equipping at EAST?
Cross-Cultural Team Internship (CCTI) was the most memorable to me. It is an unforgettable memory of preparing for a mission as a team with friends from various countries and going to other countries to preach the gospel. I went to India with a team made up with members from different countries.

3 prayer requests:
Please pray for
1) The new ministry field I am seaching now where I can put my experience to good use.
2) The meeting of good faith co-workers in my new ministry field.
3) My wife and son to adjust well to new ministry field and be happy.

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