Hong Kong Alumnus visits EAST Mission Hub: David Sun

Back row: Boon Aitee, Esther Tan, Ee-Yuing Wong (EAST Staff) Front Row: Veronica & David Sun (EAST Alumnus)

EAST Alumnus David Sun and his wife Veronica recently made their first visit to EAST Mission Hub since the school moved there last year. While he was pursuing his Master of Divinity in Intercultural Studies at EAST (he graduated in 2019), David was also the President of the Student Council. Some would have remembered his youngest son Samuel who would come along to help with vacuuming the premises after various events. They were a good father and son team. David and his wife flew into town from Hong Kong where they reside to visit Samuel who has recently been enlisted into Singapore’s National Service.

David and Veronica are both serving full-time in Hong Kong with Cornerstone Chinese Church in a pastoral capacity and reaching out to the elderly. The church members are typically 40 to 73 years old. David explained that there are four stages in a church’s development: Formation, Dis-Formation, Re-Formation, and Transformation. His church is at the tail-end of Dis-Formation and about to enter the stage of Re-Formed life by using the Head, Heart, and Hands model. Praise God!

Hong Kong as a city has undergone tremendous changes over the past two years. Children and parents who have differing views of politics have turned against one another. There needs to be much forgiveness and healing in the family and society. Hatred and bitterness have to be set aside for reconciliation to take place in the family, the church and the society.

David and Veronica’s short afternoon visit to EAST allowed our Alumni Coordinator Esther Tan to pray for their ministry and family. They also met up with EAST President Rev Dr Chan Chong Hiok for mutual update and encouragement. It was a good “homecoming” to a new campus, EAST’s new “home.” They shared that their first home in Singapore some 30 years ago was at Galaxy Towers which was just a stone’s throw away from 118 Joo Chiat Road. It was as if life has come a full circle for them!

Prayer Requests:

  1. Pray for their children Abigail, Dorcas, Hannah and Samuel to have their own personal encounters with God.
  2. Pray for God’s direction for Cornerstone Chinese Church. Pray for wisdom and direction from God as to how to combine the Chinese and Filipino congregations under one roof as both are under the Church of God (Cleveland).
  3. Pray for citywide healing of Hong Kong. There is a great need for reconciliation, forgiveness and healing in families, churches, and society.

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