Contextualisation (Day Course)

Contextualisation (Online)
IS520 / TS570, 2 Credits
Wednesdays, 9.00 am-11.00 am 

This course examines the process involved in the contextualisation of theology and ministry, identifying themes and methods appropriate for the Asian context. Using the framework of critical contextualisation, the class will examine the issues that arise in contextualising. Students will also develop strategies to contextualise meaningfully in their church and ministry. [Cross-listed with TS570].

Audit students must read all required readings to maximise the learning experience – textbooks and additional reading materials uploaded on Populi. 

(Online courses will have synchronous sessions held only online.)

Kevin Lowe, DMin, holds a Doctor of Ministry in Contextual Leadership and Cultural Anthropology from Asbury Theological Seminary. He has taught courses in several seminaries in Southeast Asia and served as a pastor and missionary for 16 years, the latter half as a tentmaker running several businesses. He believes in holistic missions, thus is passionate about marketplace and BAM related ministries etc, those that seek to empower. He is married with 3 children.


This class may be taken for free from tuition fees by audit students under the GLO@EAST promotion (S$40 registration fee payable). Registration deadline is Friday, 9 July 2021.

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