A Cheerful Giver

Design by Joshua Wong


Paul is writing to the Corinthians to remind them about their previous commitment. Earlier in 2 Corinthians 9:3-4, Paul mentions that he has told the Macedonians about a gift to be received.

Paul’s point in verse 6 is this: The one who sows less seed can expect to have less grain. The one who plants more seed will have a more bountiful harvest. It is true both in a physical and spiritual sense, the more we can “plant” or give out of a willing heart of love for our spiritual siblings, the more that love will bear crops.

However, those results may not necessarily be in the physical wealth and prosperity that we expect. It is instead in a much greater form;  the spiritual lives of the givers and those who receive their gifts. In that sense, money becomes evidence of love given in the name of Christ.

In essence, money and the giving of money becomes evidence of the love the Church has for one another and a testament of Christ’s love on Earth. In this season, do consider giving cheerfully to EAST.

We invite you to partner with EAST to raise and develop Christlike leaders for the Great Commission through your giving via PayNow below or through other methods: https://donorbox.org/partner-east
Scan the QR code with your ibanking app (or enter UEN No. 197200238NEAS) and indicate under Bill Reference No. which area you are giving to and your name: Most Needed, Student Aid, Staff Development, or Mission Hub (e.g. MOST NEEDED DAVID LIM). When transaction is completed, fill in the Fund Transfer Form for our records. Thank you!



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