Old Testament Poetry, Wisdom, and Prophets (Day Course)
OT511 Old Testament Poetry, Wisdom, and Prophets (3 credits)
Tuesdays, 1.45 pm-5.00 pm
Perhaps, like most believers, you are not familiar with the last half of the Old Testament. This class introduces the history, culture, style of writing, background and reasons for writing of the authors. It is an overview and introduction to the books in the Poetic & Wisdom genre, and the Prophetic genre.
Toe Set, ThM, enjoys helping people understand the Old Testament. Over the years, he has taught various Old Testament books not only in Singapore but elsewhere in Asia to lay leaders, pastors, and full-time Christian workers.
This class is for the semester of 20 July to 20 November 2020. It may be conducted fully online or a combination of online and in-person depending on situation. Registration deadline is Monday, 13 July 2020. You may register online or contact us for registration form.