EAST Alumni Association Launched
The EAST Alumni Association was launched during the Alumni Retreat 2017 in Singapore, as part of the inaugural EAST Homecoming (10 – 14 May 2017). In the presence of alumni, students, faculty and staff, the Alumni Chaplain designate, Mr Lim Aik Ghee, shared his passion to see alumni being networked, resourced, and developed multi-laterally beyond graduation. (Aik Ghee graduated the next day at the EAST 23rd Commencement Service and is thus an alumnus as well.) An international voluntary pro tem committee of alumni was then set-up to begin defining the purpose and process toward the formation of an inaugural committee. Please uphold this process in prayer and look out for updates in the not-too-distant future!

Mr Lim Aik Ghee inaugurating the Alumni Association
Photo courtesy of Nelson Lo.