We felt very grateful

We were not renewing our marriage vows. Just a fun intro to a talk on letting go before we could let others in.
LAST week, Julienne graduated with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts (honors, second upper) degree in Visual Communications. As we watched her walk across the stage to received her degree, we felt very grateful.
That this gentle and talented human being is our child and God’s child.
That our Heavenly Father had provided for all her needs (we had only enough for her first year when she started).
That throughout the four years at NTU, she had lacked nothing: joy in learning, grace through the many lonely nights of projects and computer crashes, and solid Christian friends.
Above all, we are grateful that God has given our daughter a heart to obey Him. Next month, Julienne will spend ten days in Japan to reach out to abused and abandoned children.
Read full letter
- Go & make disciples of the nations (PDF, 456kB)